


Spiv of Iris T Shirt
Rochester MN, United States
Joined : 1st Nov 2008 - 15 years ago

Comments on Spivkurl tracks

Other users have posted 1947 comments on tracks by Spivkurl

Comments 1 - 25 of 1,947
bongrobot 11th Jan 2024 08:36 -  4 months ago

on Easy For Me by Spivkurl
KooLKYLE 10th Jul 2023 05:10 -  10 months ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Hey its been a while... loving it good techno beat and that reverb on the acid just perfect 10/10.. do you make this live on synth machines?
Cadetesideral 9th Mar 2023 04:44 -  1 year ago

on Nightr8 by Spivkurl
Chasmchaser 14th Aug 2022 04:31 -  1 year ago

on Agonist Moon and Faultline by Spivkurl
What an imagination you carry to create this kind of raw surreal sound. I remember in the 70's while doing a lot of hash I would sit around listening to "Isao Tomita" or sound effects record's and imagine how I could manipulate and chop up the sounds and rewrite them. Little did I know we could do that so easily as we can today. Bravo Dude. You know how to tug on my memorys.
dimestop 12th Aug 2022 12:30 -  1 year ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
hope your cool bro, ive abused myself with everything all my life, lived hard played hard, strictly weed now though, im fortunate ive never suffered badly from it, a little anxiety maybe, but nothing damaging, i have my own issues, this is torture Spiv, it reminded me of times on acid that banging stretching echo feeling like, my head was about to explode any second this is brutal
Diskonnect 21st Jun 2022 01:39 -  1 year ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
This is nuts mate, i had a spiel i was going to write after waiting so long to write a review since the last track i listened of yours, which mustve been like 5+ years ago now. That was just out the window when i pressed play lol. If i could say one thing, i would work on the mastering, it sounds good in context, but as you can see from the waveform, its pretty blocky :P. Those acid synths though... perfect! This is exactly the spiv madness i remember!!! Im curious, is this mostly software based or do you include hardware at all?
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2022 - 1 year ago
Thank you for the comment! I realize the mastering is the weak point, I was using a new software which I was unfamiliar with. This track is software based, as my hardware lab sits in pieces in the basement. Glad you liked the acid madness! Thanks again!
Chasmchaser 27th Apr 2022 02:50 -  2 years ago

on Doing A Thing Will by Spivkurl
Cool track. I did close my eyes for a bit and saw several of those fan powered wind tube people used to draw attention to a business flailing about in sequence with the music.
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2022 - 1 year ago
Funny closed eye visual you had there! Thank you for listening and commenting!
gorkempasa68 17th Apr 2022 00:26 -  2 years ago

on Traffic Jam by Spivkurl
bir şey olacağını düşünüyordum, ama bunun yerine sadece kendi tanıtımım. Her
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2022 - 1 year ago
Google çeviri kabaydı, ama sanırım mesajı aldım. Yorum için teşekkür ederiz!
xstokes 18th Feb 2022 23:51 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
this is a great listen right as i’m heading for an aa meeting and feeling frantic. you was twisted up there, bud.
Spivkurl replied 24th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
Mr. Stokes, it's great to hear from you! Glad that I could touch base with your frantic feelings. Thank you for taking a listen and leaving a comment!
Chasmchaser 16th Feb 2022 04:47 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Those weren't the same voices I was hearing, but the track was intensely awesome...
Spivkurl replied 24th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
Thank you for taking a listen and leaving a comment!
BeatMaker4real 16th Feb 2022 03:35 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
I'm gonna come back to this and light up.
Nice work on the track as always.
Spivkurl replied 24th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey buddy, wish I could light up with you! Thanks for taking a listen and leaving a comment!
Orlando51 14th Feb 2022 17:17 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Hi Spiv,

Mainly here to say hello after a long long time..:) How ya doing mate? I hear you didn't lose your experimental touch...dope work !

Spivkurl replied 16th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
Leon, Thank you for stopping by to take a listen and say hello! Your comment is much appreciated!
sirefox 13th Feb 2022 09:29 -  2 years ago

on Runner in the Dark by Spivkurl
Que gran tema amigo mío, me encanta el ritmo y ese bajo trance, y las melodías son buenísimas. Has llevado el trance a tu propio terreno, y eso solo lo pueden hacer los grandes productores. Los estilos son para personalizarlos y tu lo has hecho. Que tengas un buen día hermano. Paz y salud.
Spivkurl replied 13th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
¡Gracias mi amigo por el gran comentario sobre una canción tan antigua! Todavía estoy orgulloso de este, a pesar de que se hizo antes de que supiera tanto. Realmente aprecio tus amables palabras.
DijamMusic 8th Feb 2022 03:48 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Hey DL.
Great track as usual my friend.
Well done.
Spivkurl replied 13th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
Thank you for the listen and comment!
sirefox 29th Jan 2022 14:10 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Me gusta la musica electronica en general y este tema ácido experimental es de mi total agrado, suena contundente como debe ser para este tipo de género, lo cual es todo un acierto. Los sintetizadores son geniales entrando y saliendo y marcando la pauta y la intensidad de la pista. Buen ritmo amigo mío, con mucha fuerza. Buen dia. Paz y salud.
Spivkurl replied 8th Feb 2022 - 2 years ago
Realmente aprecio tus amables palabras y comentario. Pareces entender este tipo de música, y eso significa mucho para mí. ¡Qué tengas un lindo día!
RitajustRita 27th Jan 2022 23:49 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
I think i need some kush to handle this lol.
But i listen till the end.
Its not the genre i normaly listen but i think you didd a good job when I read in what condition you were
Spivkurl replied 28th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
I wish I could partake of the kush with you! Thank you for going out of your comfort zone to listen to this!
ClickbaitCabaret 25th Jan 2022 22:52 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
This is an interesting piece. Reminds me of the more avantgarde side of industrial. Cool beat man.
Spivkurl replied 27th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Thank you so much for stopping by to listen! I am a big fan of industrial, especially the, as you say, avantgarde stuff. It's no surprise that this shows through. Much appreciated!
theHumps 16th Jan 2022 06:44 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
I agree with so many of the comments that have been posted about this one. Driving, intense, beat. I can picture a movie where someone driving a car, all jacked up, is shown, face sweating, eyes darting, wheels flying, rain pouring as the windshield wipers slap to the tempo, cinematic in some way.

Interesting to read you are not all in on this one. Hope all is well in your life, take care Spiv!

Spivkurl replied 24th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Wayne, so glad to see you chime in on one of my newer works!

I don't drive, but the person behind my wheel was definitely jacked up... I understand what you mean. Interesting that you find it cinematic, I had not thought of that!

My life is balancing out, even if it's not what I'd hoped for. Thank you for the care!
ValveDriver 16th Jan 2022 01:10 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Wow! Spivkurl. It's been a long time, man. I was wondering how you were doing. I was generally concerned. It's good to see you're presence again. Hopefully you're doing better these days?

To me this track sounds like the relentless pounding of coffee and any other insomnia inducing stimulant for the sake of avoiding the silent moments before sleep, when the mind tends to do it's dirtiest deeds. There's a certain air of urgency and looking over ones shoulder at all times.

The aggression appeals to me. It's almost hypnotic.

Truly, Pat, It's good to see you again.

Take care, friend.
Spivkurl replied 24th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Aaron, thank you for the kind words! It's good to be back interacting on the Loop.

I think you hit the nail on the head while investigating this song. Those dirtiest deeds while avoiding sleep definitely come through. And I was looking over my shoulder at all times... you nailed it.

Very appreciative of your kind words!
Modnex 15th Jan 2022 04:16 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Hey Spiv, long time no hear. Your sounds are always interesting to listen to. It's like being transported to a different planet and watching a concert light years away from earth while submerged in water. Let's just say unique would be an understatement, to say the least. The intensity of this made it enjoyable for me. I like the whirly sounds that come in around 1:40. It's unfortunate to hear the backstory of this track, with you hearing voices and all (which I hope is all better now), but I'm happy you got this out of it. Nice work.
Spivkurl replied 24th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Yeah buddy, it's been a while! Didn't mean to make you take a bath during the concert... LOL. Don't worry about me, I'm clean except for the doctor's meds now. No voices to be heard. I appreciate you hitting up my newer works for a listen!
crucethus 14th Jan 2022 21:59 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Ahh, Spiv. I am gravitating more and more to the brutal in my listening choices these days. Rollo Tomassi ¨Drip¨ from Sheffield is an example. This is raw and intense. May I introduce you to Relay!
It will widen that mix.
always a pleasure.
Spivkurl replied 24th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Thank you my buddy for stopping by! Listening to "Drip" right now, and it's pretty brutal as you mention. Reminds me a bit of Slipknot. I also appreciate you linking me up to those plugins, I'll see if I can get them installed! Thanks for taking a listen!
BCVProductions 12th Jan 2022 23:14 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Holy shit. that waveform is a box!
Brutal sequencing :)
Spivkurl replied 14th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Yeah I know, I've considered updating this with the previous master... it's not really up to my standards. Glad you enjoyed the sequencing. Thanks for listening!
pseudoble 12th Jan 2022 04:13 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
Woo - that's intense - sounds like layers of modular synth but crafted with great attention to rhythm and cross rhythms and who different synth lines come in and out. It's an interesting listen for sure and worthwhile : )
Spivkurl replied 14th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Thanks much for taking a listen! Unfortunately no modular synths were brutalized for this composition. I'm happy you enjoyed it!
Introspeed 6th Jan 2022 21:39 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
No,I don't like it to be honest. You'r story is sad, but in the end, the music dictates my verdict. I hope you get well!
Spivkurl replied 11th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Thank you for your honesty! I'm not so sure I like it either.
Zootman 5th Jan 2022 18:18 -  2 years ago

on KlOWN by Spivkurl
that's pretty much what it sounds like. i let this play while I was folding washing and it definitely got into my head. sometimes i like music that challenges. my old grandmother now RIP was on the dope at the end of her life, she kept seeing bugs on the walls, my sister would go around squashing these imaginary bugs. not sure why i'm sharing that story must be the music.
Spivkurl replied 5th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Thank you for listening, and sharing your story. I had my share of imaginary bugs to deal with as well... not fun. I'm happy this track could get into your head. Thanks again!
Comments 1 - 25 of 1,947