


Solna, Sweden
Joined : 7th Sep 2012 - 11 years ago

aelmen tracks

aelmen has uploaded 30 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 1 - 25 of 30
4th Sep 2021 15:23 -  2 years ago
Description : Free to use for non commercial productions.

Anders Elmén must be mentioned in any credits.
1st Mar 2020 00:18 -  4 years ago
Description : Just a short demo. Feel free to use in your song. Just give me credit if you do.
17th Jan 2020 23:30 -  4 years ago
Description : Found an acapella from Maddy and just added some arrangement. I hope you will enjoy it.
10th Feb 2018 21:11 -  6 years ago
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Description : My first attempt to create a tune using The SunVox Tracker.
8th Apr 2017 21:33 -  7 years ago
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Description : Hello there!
Has managed to write a new song. Have had a lot else to do since the last song and the music has been a priority at the bottom of my life.
But after 5 evenings' work, this song finally ready for release. It feels very good, I must admit. From 2:03 onwards, I wrote while I sat and watched the broadcasts of the attack in the city. We have office in Tegnérlunden, not very far from the place where the attack began. Was a surreal feeling yesterday to walk home from town to Solna. But I am of course pleased that I and everyone I know is safe and sound. I hope you like this song.
4th Apr 2016 21:47 -  8 years ago
Description : Just having fun
24th Jan 2016 09:11 -  8 years ago
Description : It all started when I had a moment to listen to my mp3 collection of tracks and came across Fridas - There is something going on. I instantly got the feeling that this arrangement from Phil Collins is so good that I have to bring it back to todays sound without doing a remix of the old song.

So i looped the drums at the start of the original song with a slight offset which was not intended but it sounded quite cool so I decided to keep it.

I created a new arrangement that still had the old 80's vibes and browsed through to find a siutable vocal track that I could use.

I found Come into my life a trance acapella by a user called mhyst ( and decided to use a part of it.

Well, that's the story. Enjoy.
16th Jan 2016 19:36 -  8 years ago
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Description : The story behind. Back in 1992 I made a tune on the c64 platform. A simple tune with only 3 channels. The lead on this tune is something that I've never forgot and even today i can start whistling on this lead. When I was playing around with the keyboard this lead just was there. Usually I try to never reuse any of my previous work. But this is an exception and i decided to use a short beat from this tune in this work. This old tune is glued together with a new beat.

The Trust - 1992
10th May 2015 19:29 -  9 years ago
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Description : The start...
I bought myself an electric guitar and that was the initial start for this song. After some chords i thought it would be nice with a vocal track and one of the best sources for that is just looperman. So i found EpicRecord and Yeah. Then i needed background vocals and turned to one of my previous songs and found Charlene's voice. After a while i found Janis71 and her work and it was merged into the song.

But I must say what I'm most proud of in this song is the trumpet and saxophone work . I really wish I could play that instrument for real and not just on the keyboard.


2nd May 2015 20:53 -  9 years ago
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Description : I found this one a while ago and I found it very interesting. It was a girl singing to one loop of guitar chords.

I felt like I had to do something with this one and asked Charlene for the vocal tracks.

This is the remix of her work and it has been on the workbench for quite some time now. Nothing has been changed in it for about 5 month.

Tonight i decided to just release it and walk on to a new song. This mastering is far from perfect.

So here it is. Just Because ft Charlene Stevens, Enjoy!

Remember to visit Charlene and listening to her work.
Guitar loop
2nd Aug 2014 22:45 -  9 years ago
Description : I found this one by the random tracks function for about 6 month ago.

Since I've been producing songs for the 8 bit platform I found this song very interesting.

So I had to ask Jeicee if I could get my 8 bit hands on it just to add a lead track on it. No problem he answered. So here it is.

All credits to Jeicee for the original tune.

9th Oct 2016 13:15 -  7 years ago
Description : This song is in a genre that I have not worked with before. I started using some old synthesizers from manufacturer KORG that I have not used that much earlier. Then there was a little blip blop sounds and a few hours later, the song finished. I hope you like it.
21st Dec 2014 20:26 -  9 years ago
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Description : Ok, this is a song that just came true for no reason. I never intended to create this using vocals from Farisha or myself. I just did record the "Uh" choir. Once i record my self i was starting to find vocals that suit this song and ended up with Farisha.

And also this was just an experimental song of different effects that I found on propellerheads homepage that was never ment to be released.

But I think it is to good to be stored on my local harddrive so i just felt that i have to share this one.

Merry Christmas!

22nd Feb 2016 22:06 -  8 years ago
Description : Everything awaits...Found a bass rig that i had fun with as a start. Created a combined synth rack for the string pads and added som electronic fx from a couple of synths. Visited looperman in search of a vocal track, found a track from Blunierty titled "keep on rollin" which contained a phrase that caught my attention and later also become the title of this track. Added drum loops and added a layer of supporting drum beats, high hats and crash cymbals. Created a lead synth track that was ok in this context. I spent a couple of hours mixing and the result is ready for your ears.

Visit Bluniery on (
30th Nov 2014 16:04 -  9 years ago
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Description : ... on a broken piano.
23rd Sep 2012 21:00 -  11 years ago
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Description : Just a short demo.
Maybe there is someone out there who can take this song to the next level.
28th Dec 2012 21:52 -  11 years ago
Description : Finally a new tune from me. This time it is a test of how to use the compressor in a song. At the first time i tried to get the side chain with the dynamic effect to work together with the kick drum and base, but i found it hard to get to the right sound. So it all ended with this tune instead.
23rd Apr 2013 16:58 -  11 years ago
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Description : Sounds from the 80's.

Feel free to add lyrics. Contact me if you want a version without the lead instrument.
23rd May 2013 21:33 -  11 years ago
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Description : Just a result of playing around.
30th Aug 2013 20:55 -  10 years ago
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Description : Completely improvised instrumental pop. Just as the title says creation took about two hours, a beer and a glass of wine to complete. For the second time I have been playing drums in one of my own songs. Feels super cool!
30th Apr 2014 23:46 -  10 years ago
Description : I wanted to mix acoustic sounds with electronic sound and it all ended up in this tune.
This tune is divided into two parts. The first part is a quite old song where the second part is more recent. Hope you like it! Comments are welcome!
14th Jul 2014 21:45 -  9 years ago
Description : I think this may well be the best thing I've done so far. Both sound technically and musically.

The song's title describes some of what I really wanted to achieve. A simple sound of a sawtooth as the main instrument in front of the piano, but another part of me wanted something completely different. In the latter part of the song I play the drums along with Kong Drum Machine, he is much tighter than I am, but I have more feeling for the fill-ins, I think we complement each other.
12th Aug 2015 18:44 -  8 years ago
Description : ok... This is an old track from the beginning of this century when the internet was not much to hang in a christmas tree, as we are saying in Sweden.

This track was made back in 2001 and at that time I was using Cubase to create my tracks. I was able to download this drum loop in a format called Soundfonts and I also found the sounds in this track in so called soundfonts.

Today I found this in one of my nearly forgotten archives and I just had to share it with you. Hope you'll like it!
9th Sep 2015 20:28 -  8 years ago
Description : Hey! Anyone wanna add vocals and melody to this one? I would be grateful.
8th Dec 2013 22:08 -  10 years ago
Description : this song I've been working on for several weeks. The mean work per day will probably end up around 3 seconds per day considering how hard it was to take the song to a release.

Anyway, this is a song where I experimented with all effects at the same time. My CPU had to work hard to correct any incorrect wiring.

As usual, I have no idea what genre I will rate this song in.

Hope you like it.
Tracks 1 - 25 of 30