Description : Hey all. This is my very first full Acapella. I don't have a singing voice so a bit of autotune is fixing it up. Since this is my first one. I GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO USE FREE! Just add me in the title and send the track my way.
This free 108 bpm chill out acapella has been kindly uploaded by 0Equinox0 and may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, as a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of this acapella to see exactly how it may be used. If you have any questions about this file, please contact 0Equinox0.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
Comments (86)
If you have used this acapella leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the song you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more acapellas.
My name is Nick, I have been writing/playing music for over 15 years and I have been work literally everyday on this new song I am writing. I came across your vocals, imported them in the song and couldn’t believe how well it fits! I am really curious what your thoughts are. Also any pointers would be awesome. My go to genre for writing songs are usually House/EDM/Feel good songs. Here is my version:
Hi! I really enjoyed working with your lyrics... If you have any more like that please don't hesitate to upload them. I am putting together 12 or so club/dance-type albums this year...hosted by DITTO... If I make any money from your track (s) I will surely give you something! Here is a link to the track I just finished.... I hope you like it...
It is my very first time working with vocals. It was quite difficult for me because I had to concentrate more on the vocals. To be honest, it's not my thing, but I tried it anyway and I thought you might like to listen to it anyway.
This is so great acapella bro,just i am in love with this vocal! Congrats! I want to make collab with you for this acapella !Pls contact with me soon. We can to give this song to the world together!Find my ofiicial profiles on SoundCloud plrofil! My facebook is there! Best regards!
Dude you really have a dope voice. You SHOULD BE MAKING SONGS! NO lie. I'm gonna do something with this one too. It's like Im a kid in a candy store. I donwloaded all yours. I'll use them in the future. Fire.
I don't really listen to trance/psy so I may not be the best at describing this. Good atmosphere! I like the different elements in this, keeps it from sounding boring. Sounds well mixed!
Wow! I love this site purely because every now and then I find someone who truly knows what they're doing when it comes to music production. You are one of those people. Honestly sounds like it could be on the radio! Don't stop producing man!
This is one of those songs that just gets better the longer you listen. I don't hear many Progressive Rock versions of my vocals. Love the panned guitars and the acid sound that feels like it's in your head. It honestly reminds me of Tool, and I love Tool. So props to you man!
Thank you for sharing your vocals! Really nice!
I've made a track using your vocals and would like to get some feedback. I would also like to get the track out on streaming services such as itunes and spotify with your permission.
I like the chill but kind of upbeat sound. It's almost nostalgic for me because I grew up listing to 80s synthpop and this sounds very close, just with better quality than 80s.
It's a good idea, just needs some refining. For example, the first couple of minutes are just completely overrun with sound and you cant really focus on anything in the track because all the sounds are trying to top the others. Also that bass sound is really overbearing and stops the drums from shining through. I'd get some side-chaining on that bass, especially on the drop. The track just lacks in variation and dynamics. Not hating, just pointing out areas to focus on. Cheers!
The first minute was throwing me off a bit to begin with. once the beat came in it became easier to grasp the rhythm. I don't listen to much techno/trance so I can't really say much other than is sounds well mixed and mastered. I do like that bassline though!
I'm going to be bluntly honest. I'm a fan of the beat. However there's a lot of tweaking needed to this track. The rapping vocals are real muddy, a bit loud and not properly in key. My vocals aren't properly in key and some parts sound out of time. There's a lot going on in the track without much variation and after a while it becomes dull on the ears. I'm not hating, just giving constructive criticism.
This is done pretty well! Everything is in time and key. I like the reggae vibe. I can hear during the chorus/drop the kick may have not been sidechained. It sounds more like its been boosted to overpower other sounds which distorts it. My advice is sidechain the kick and a little on the snare to make the mix sound clearer. Best tip to give, it's better to cut things away/make room than it is to boost everything. Good track, just needs some polishing!
Hi I am new to producing music and i would like to use this acapella to help me.
So i am sorry if the mix comes out HORRIBLE.
PS: You did so good for your first acapella Gj
Damn! This is very well done! That drop is super catchy with that bass and vocal chops. Love that piano sound as well. Sounds properly mixed and mastered. Can't really fault this one!
Hey bro, amazing vocals, I just have finished my track, check it out. Hope you like it. I would like to upload it to Spotify, but only with your permission.
Cheers! I haven't even considered listening to electronic/orchestral. I might have to start. It was very good, those transitions were so smooth. Only thing I'll say is vocals were a tad sharp. An eq or a de-esser would fix.
Many thanks for your acapella, it's very amazing. Thanks for it, I begin to learn a new genre of music - future house.
p.s. if you want anything like that, my email is on my soundcloud profile and instagram in the comments below. Once again, thank you very much for the acapella.
If you're starting to learn this genre It's actually very good! Just some tips, some parts of the vocal are out of tune with the song, also adding an lfo to those chords in the drop can make it more interesting. Other than that I really like the track!
I'm not too familiar with this genre but it's got a good groove! It does get a little repetitive but that just may be the genre style. I like all the elements in the track, they work well together. However the timing of the vocals throws me off. They feel random. If you get that timing sorted, it would make a big difference.
Cheers for using the Acapella!
Can you give me a text of this acapella? I don't understand some words, because my "english" so bad. I will leave my instagram, if you send the text, then later I will reset my(or General, because here is your acappella) work here.
My inst: @mr.magless
P.S. It my first big work and Your acapella so amazing
hey bro
im a spanish producer
i like ur flow
so if you want i can give you a beat, u send me the voice and i post it.
u dont pay me i don pay u only for fun
This is my instagram @feernaandezzz
This acapella is amazing. If it fits well into my current EDM track which I am working, than I will include this. Your voice sounds great! Thanks for sharing this!
Description : Another one for you guys. Was in a particularly sadboi type mood today so sadboi is what you get. 158 BPM for chopping. Idk the key. If you are gonna put me as a feat. in the title or track info, the spelling for my is beta max, all lowercase. Thank you :) Link to my soundcloud page
Description : My very FIRST try at uploading an acapella. So, please don't be too harsh, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if you end up using it in anything. Would love to hear it.
Lots of reverbs and echos... as I said - this is my first shot at this :)
Description : Was trying to promote my vocals elsewhere and well, they chose a man.....It is alright. Why let these go to waste. There are two french words (Sans Toi) which means "Without you." The BPM could be a bit off. My vocals were chopped and put together into one track, so please do not rely on them as a whole to sync with your music. It won't work. If you use all or part of these vocals, please ft. eSoreni. For commercial use, please visit my website for details. Do not send anything to a label because my vocals are registered.
Description : Vocals for my song Broken
I took out the delay so custom effects could be used. I didn't clean the vocals so I could get a nice lofi feel. Using this acapella means it is a remix and should be dubbed so. Show me what you've got!
A song about being lonely at school. Not so much about bullying. More about feeling isolated and not fitting in to any particular group or clique. A caterpillar biding its time hoping to turn into a butterfly?
Feel free to use these vocals in your song, just please credit Ashes and Dreams (i.e. featuring Ashes and Dreams). Thank you.
Description : Was looking through some loops. Found one from BradoSanz called Emotion - Piano Loop. Really inspired so I threw together some sadboi lyrics.
Description : This is the official acapella of my song called, Before Long.
The vocals are performed by Ashesndreams, and are edited by me.
This version contains no fade-out at the ending.
thx for the acapella.
Enjoy the song:
Hope you like what came out of it... :)
Coming soon
I am very impressed with the number of versions and the diversity of music that has been associated with this accapella.
Here is my version:
thanks for this acapella!
Just made a Mix- hope you like it :-)
see also:
My name is Nick, I have been writing/playing music for over 15 years and I have been work literally everyday on this new song I am writing. I came across your vocals, imported them in the song and couldn’t believe how well it fits! I am really curious what your thoughts are. Also any pointers would be awesome. My go to genre for writing songs are usually House/EDM/Feel good songs. Here is my version:
Thank you for the inspiration!
I know you are not an progressive house fan but I hope you enjoy it. Also if you like the track feel free to contact with me. Really liked your style!
Here is the link.
chillest thing i've done so far)
I just started producing for like 2 months
and here's the link to the track I made
I'm going to distribute this one. Pls text me on soundcloud.
wonderful voice ty :)
That vocal is magical.
thanks for that. i made a track with it and uploaded it to YouTube, spotify, ITunes and many more streaming sites.
I will put a link below.
Hope you like it!
Here is my remix of your accapela, hope you enjoy it!
Here is the final version of the song! I hope you'll enjoy.
here's the link:
Here is the mastered version! Please tell me what you think, I'd appreciate it very much! Thank you again for the wonderfull acapella, I hope you'll enjoy the song!
Thank you for sharing your vocals! Really nice!
I've made a track using your vocals and would like to get some feedback. I would also like to get the track out on streaming services such as itunes and spotify with your permission.
The track has yet to be mastered so please keep that in mind!
I hope you'll like it!:)
I love your vocals so I made a new mix.
thanks for sharing
Check it out here:
Tell me what you think!
Just my song. ;)
Hope you like it.
Voici le morceau mis à jour avec des correctifs de réglage.
I hope you enjoy it ! I really like this song
here is my version, I hope you'll like it
I'm trying something pop rock...
I'll post something soon :)
Bruno - France
This is what I made with your vocals. Let me know if you like it ;)
Thanks a lot for providing the acapella for free. They were so good to work with!
Just a preview of my new track with your acapella. It's not ended, not mixed nor mastered, but it's about 70% finished. ;)
I hope you like it.
So i am sorry if the mix comes out HORRIBLE.
PS: You did so good for your first acapella Gj
my song
follow me on Instagramm lol XD
Fantastic work on your first full acapella dude. :-)
p.s. if you want anything like that, my email is on my soundcloud profile and instagram in the comments below. Once again, thank you very much for the acapella.
Cheers for using the Acapella!
My inst: @mr.magless
P.S. It my first big work and Your acapella so amazing
Let me know what do you think about this remix !
im a spanish producer
i like ur flow
so if you want i can give you a beat, u send me the voice and i post it.
u dont pay me i don pay u only for fun
This is my instagram @feernaandezzz