A song about being lonely at school. Not so much about bullying. More about feeling isolated and not fitting in to any particular group or clique. A caterpillar biding its time hoping to turn into a butterfly?
Feel free to use these vocals in your song, just please credit Ashes and Dreams (i.e. featuring Ashes and Dreams). Thank you.
Verse chords:
Em D / Em D / C D
Chorus chords:
C D / C D / Em D
Bridge chords:
Em / F# / C / D
This free 125 bpm chill out acapella has been kindly uploaded by ashesanddreams and may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, as a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of this acapella to see exactly how it may be used. If you have any questions about this file, please contact ashesanddreams.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
Comments (51)
If you have used this acapella leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the song you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more acapellas.
This is one of my favorite vocals you published. As a result, things got kind of out of hand....
I made 3 (yes, three!) different projects and I couldn't decide which one to keep. So I kept and published all three of them on SoundCloud. Would you give me a hand to decide which one should also go on Spotify?
Hey Daniel! Managed to find the new link for the track. Great mash-up of different vocal ideas underpinned by a boppin' rhythm. Thanks for including us.
Those are some lovely, delicate keys off the top of the song. Totally sets the mood for what you are doing. An introspective mix for sure. Thx for sharing. :)
Oooh! An unexpected surprise, thank you. :) Totally wasn't expecting the direction...and love when that happens. Maybe almost a surf-rock feel at times? The guitars rock for sure. Nice work.
Very beautiful vocal and voice, looking forward more of your vocal and acapellas. This was discovery to me. Here is mine version , a bit organic and deep housy:
Hey Dovy! Thanks so much. I like how your mix starts on a sparse, lounge vibe that lures you in and gets you grooving. Very creative ideas. Thank you so much. Just reposted. :)
A lack of resources only makes us more creative, right? :) You did a lot with a little then, Pacu, as your mix turned out fantastic. Nice choice of chords.
Hi Ashes & Dreams...
Just sat casually listening through some good acapellas here on SC, when I suddenly stumbled on "Hang Low"!
I just say WOW... this is dynamite! I had to download it right then and there... and start up LMMS freeware on my crappy laptop and go to work. 2 hours later...Here is my interpretation of this song that is both melancolic and very inspiring and hopeful! You are amazing!
Hope you like my take on your acapella. Im planning to put it on Spotify... if people give me a good respons... there is always the risk that I just like it myself...
Description : Another one for you guys. Was in a particularly sadboi type mood today so sadboi is what you get. 158 BPM for chopping. Idk the key. If you are gonna put me as a feat. in the title or track info, the spelling for my is beta max, all lowercase. Thank you :) Link to my soundcloud page https://soundcloud.com/betamaxtapes
Description : Hey all. This is my very first full Acapella. I don't have a singing voice so a bit of autotune is fixing it up. Since this is my first one. I GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO USE FREE! Just add me in the title and send the track my way.
Description : My very FIRST try at uploading an acapella. So, please don't be too harsh, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if you end up using it in anything. Would love to hear it.
Lots of reverbs and echos... as I said - this is my first shot at this :)
Description : Was trying to promote my vocals elsewhere and well, they chose a man.....It is alright. Why let these go to waste. There are two french words (Sans Toi) which means "Without you." The BPM could be a bit off. My vocals were chopped and put together into one track, so please do not rely on them as a whole to sync with your music. It won't work. If you use all or part of these vocals, please ft. eSoreni. For commercial use, please visit my website for details. Do not send anything to a label because my vocals are registered.
Description : Vocals for my song Broken https://soundcloud.com/cam-the-c-l-e-a-r/broken
I took out the delay so custom effects could be used. I didn't clean the vocals so I could get a nice lofi feel. Using this acapella means it is a remix and should be dubbed so. Show me what you've got!
Description : A song about being lonely at school. Not so much about bullying. More about feeling isolated and not fitting in to any particular group or clique. A caterpillar biding its time hoping to turn into a butterfly?
Feel free to use these vocals in your song, just please credit Ashes and Dreams (i.e. featuring Ashes and Dreams). Thank you.
Description : This is the official acapella of my song called, Before Long.
The vocals are performed by Ashesndreams, and are edited by me.
This version contains no fade-out at the ending.
I made 3 (yes, three!) different projects and I couldn't decide which one to keep. So I kept and published all three of them on SoundCloud. Would you give me a hand to decide which one should also go on Spotify?
hope you like this Track. thx for ur acapella.
Have a great week. :)
Please let me know if You like it.
thank you for sharing your quality acapellas!
my version of Hang Low
Vocals are easy to work with adding instruments and effects.
Thanks again for offering your great work!!
Very beautiful vocal and voice, looking forward more of your vocal and acapellas. This was discovery to me. Here is mine version , a bit organic and deep housy:
Hope you like it!
thank you for the nice vocals
This is the last one!
Please, listen it using good headphones!
Thank you very much! I loved your vocal performance.
I made a song but, with lack of resources.
Here is:
Happy Holidays!
Thank you very much for your acapella!
I added it to a track I made and it gives this:
I think your voice track gives a touch of "old thriller movie" style and I like it a lot for that.
This track belongs to my new album (available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDZkNQROZFePDPni0iDmrOjSjeSjbAXvi ).
Thank you very much for it.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want at : originaldocchainsaw at gmail.com (and who knows? maybe we could make a new track together?)
Thanks again!
took real pleasure in working with your acapella!
have a look and tell me your feeling about it
Have fun
Magnus Fischer
Just sat casually listening through some good acapellas here on SC, when I suddenly stumbled on "Hang Low"!
I just say WOW... this is dynamite! I had to download it right then and there... and start up LMMS freeware on my crappy laptop and go to work. 2 hours later...Here is my interpretation of this song that is both melancolic and very inspiring and hopeful! You are amazing!
Hope you like my take on your acapella. Im planning to put it on Spotify... if people give me a good respons... there is always the risk that I just like it myself...
Video on YouTube is uploading as I write this!
Best regards
magnus fischer
Here is my take on it. Started out as an eighties synthpop (Talk Talk?) kind of thing but evolved into something else.
Love the delicate feels.
may you send me your e-mail address?
thank you so much.
Thanks and have a good week.
Aquà dejo el enlace de mi trabajo y espero sea de su agrado.
hope you like it!
very beautiful singing. . Thanks for that.
Many greetings and stay healthy.
I have used your acapella with my track at:
Love this vocals so much! Thank you!!!
Used them to make this song, which also samples a clip of a final fantasy VII song: https://jasonhubner.bandcamp.com/track/summer-vacation-limit-breaks
Thank you. (:
I have used your acapella with my track at:
I thank you for sharing!
Greetings, Keram (France).
I wanna make official remix of your track in Deep Progressive House music ;)
Dynamic Sounds
Dynamic Sounds;)
thank you so much ;)