Description : No commercial use permitted without our consent!
The title must include the addition ft. True Sisters!
All rights reserved by "TrueSisters GBS 2024 MMV"
Since I produce my vocals primarily for the LM community, it would be nice of you if you would also publish them on LM. Thank you!
This free 75 bpm rnb acapella has been kindly uploaded by 2Sisters and may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, as a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of this acapella to see exactly how it may be used. If you have any questions about this file, please contact 2Sisters.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
Comments (19)
If you have used this acapella leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the song you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more acapellas.
Hi 2Sisters, I created a song from your great accapella -Intimate Longing- which I uploaded here at looperman, soundcloud and youtube.
I hope you like it. If you have any questions send me an e-mail. Best regards from Cologne
Of course, ive learned what ur most comfortable with, and more importantly, youre my friend. I will follow any instructions u give me to the letter, im just happy to be here lol. Ok so this is what ill do. I want to put together something brand new for this, and ill hit all the major points one of my songs normally do, while keeping it on the shorter side in length, and also as open ended as i can so there's plenty of room to build upon watever u choose to, as well as additions prior to or after my composition. Would this ideally be in FLP form, or stems+midi, or some other form? It will be done as u say. (A proper collaboration, in other words lol) Oh And Tell Angelica i said shes awesome for me, plz :)
Cyber flares' song hes got up rn was similar to this, just on a much smaller scale. Im really happy with what he did with the blueprint i gave him, and id do those types of collabs all day if I could.
I kno u all have serious range, but are their any keys or BPM youd prefer me use than others? Never hurts to ask that :) with that, ill wait for ur reply and then start brainstorming :)
I love u guys so much, we are all lucky that you're here, All of u. You're friendship has grown to mean alot to me, as a tribute to that, I'm going to go into 6th gear and really try to deliver something special. - Aaron
Hi Aaron,
Wow, youre really going full throttle! lol Unfortunately, I have to slow you down a bit. This year, it wont be possible anymore. Of course, you can work ahead and send me your results. But lets handle this via email. You should have my email address. We have a section on our studio server for exchanging larger files. I can have a directory set up for you there. But lets discuss this over email.
Best regards, Manuela
Well, I guess this a good time to mention my habit of blurting out (or typing) words that, while innocent enough in my head, in hindsight turn out to be less ambiguous than id prefer lol. So, On a vocal called "Intimate Longing", I emphasize that I want u to be wow, Aaron. U deserve applause for that. I may not drink, but it seems the communication part of my brain my be drunk lol. Here's a (hopefully) more tactful (and less amusing) summary of my prior comment. - "Wow, what a lovely vocal piece, i think ill snatch it up for a future song in an important project. I dare not ask those very busy young ladies to dosomething special just for me, theyre much too busy...." wait , what? You WILL do something special, just for me? U couldnt possibly know how honored I am that 2Sisters would offer me something like that. Of cours, I said Ok immediately lol. I have some stuff in mind, maybe. Ill run some of it by u, and U can choose whch one calls to u the most. tlk to u guys soon. And Thank U :)
LOL, hello Aaron, talking helps LOL. But please not necessarily in DM. I'm not sure if you've heard the song "Starman" that we did with Zootman? I think that's a good example of how it can work. Chris composed the music (great composition) and sang his part himself. We then composed and arranged our lyrics and vocals around it. The whole thing was recorded and mixed in our studio. I think it turned out to be a great song! With clear agreements it can work well. The important thing is that Angelica is convinced of the project. She is the driving force behind us. But it also takes time. Best wishes, Manuela.
hey manuela & Co. , yes Im going to use this in some capacity for my next project, i just wanted u to be ready for that lol. Its going to be on my brother's solo album, a project ive been wanting to do for many years. I can hardly believe its going to happen. Thank u for posting gems like this, I couldnt hope for better. - Aaron
Hi Aaron, Im ready *lol. No, really, Im thrilled that youre interested in the vocals and Im very excited to see the results. I would also be happy to produce something exclusively for you.
Best regards,
Hi. I made this little track with your accapella after work today. It's not perfect but I hope you still like it a little.
Greetings Ronny
Love the emotive lyrics and the key change at 32 seconds in, dips and soars the emotion over the verses like a swallow skinmming a river - effortlessly but very pure. You' re a wordsmith and you craft so well the end result is priceless. Beautiful. Kay0s
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Description : this is spoken vocal of a female picking up her man's call and dropping the bad news that she's met someone else. This would perfect for an intro to a hiphop/r&b song about cheating or love..I know there is a little noise in the background (was picking up the instrumental in my headphones) but it's subtle enough that it shouldnt be heard once this is set to music! Enjoy and I hope you never get this call! ;)
1. My name, Stephanie Kay, must be credited in the project title and/or description.
2.For commercial projects, please notify me via email w/ a link and brief description of your project.
3.I ask that I have the ability to post/share your song (once released) on my social media accounts & can credit the vocal work on my website.
**IF there will be any issues w/ the above, please email me or facebook message me.
You can "pay" me w/ a Facebook like ;)
Description : This is one of my friends that is singing that I worked with. Please send me your songs! My friend's name is Maddy. I also made some vocal loops on my profile that I personally chopped to make some remakes or remixes or flips. Anyways enjoy!
Description : I made this for a collab but it fell through.
So instead of letting it fade away I thought I'd chuck it on here and let some talented individuals have a go. Would be cool to hear RnB or Future Bass! As always add me in title!
If you are planning on making money with this, let me in on it aye!
Description : This is a slow tempo R&B style track... Good for pop, R&B, tropical and future bass styles..
Credits: ft. Sergi Yaro
You are free to use this acapella in your track as long as its a free usage(soundcloud, youtube)
This acapella is also available for purchase for exclusive buyout or royalties split + recording fee. So if you plan to pitch the track to labels or selling it somewhere, plz contact me first through my email in my bio...
Description : It's a bit sappy, I know, but I don't have any plans for it which makes it for all of you :) 130 BPM for chopping and please link me to anything you make with it. I wanna hear your toons! The spelling for my name is beta max, all lowercase. Thank you :) Link to my soundcloud page
Description : Got my very first mic, and felt like testing it out.
The tone of this is very much intended to be more nasal, also a tad autotuned. Excited to hear what you all do with it.
Description : This is a song in progress and this upload is a 4-part harmony of the chorus. Please feel free to remix and add instrumentation; I am v keen to collaborate with producers.
Description : I hope you like this one! If you want to use this acapella for commersial projects, we will split the royalties 50/50.
Remember to put "feat. Mikamik" or something similar in the title, and feel free to comment your version below. I would loove to hear it! (or send it to me on insta: mikamikmusic)
Description : This song was originally written for a contest and now I'm leaving it for everyone to use.
The condition is to credit me as the main artist when uploading it to platforms.
Ashesndreams - cuando despierte Ft. (your artist name)
Spanish jersey club RnB Bad Bunny reggaeton Latin trap pop
I hope you like it. If you have any questions send me an e-mail. Best regards from Cologne
Cyber flares' song hes got up rn was similar to this, just on a much smaller scale. Im really happy with what he did with the blueprint i gave him, and id do those types of collabs all day if I could.
I kno u all have serious range, but are their any keys or BPM youd prefer me use than others? Never hurts to ask that :) with that, ill wait for ur reply and then start brainstorming :)
I love u guys so much, we are all lucky that you're here, All of u. You're friendship has grown to mean alot to me, as a tribute to that, I'm going to go into 6th gear and really try to deliver something special. - Aaron
Wow, youre really going full throttle! lol Unfortunately, I have to slow you down a bit. This year, it wont be possible anymore. Of course, you can work ahead and send me your results. But lets handle this via email. You should have my email address. We have a section on our studio server for exchanging larger files. I can have a directory set up for you there. But lets discuss this over email.
Best regards, Manuela
Best regards,
Greetings Ronny