This free 120 bpm deep house acapella has been kindly uploaded by Nightingale and may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, as a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of this acapella to see exactly how it may be used. If you have any questions about this file, please contact Nightingale.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
Comments (23)
If you have used this acapella leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the song you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more acapellas.
Hi, I hope you're having a great day, my name is Alfanii, I'm an early Deep House producer from Mexico City.
Some months ago I sent you a comment where I was telling you I used one of your Acapellas for a track I made, the Acapella's name is Like Your Heart.
In this new comment I wanted to ask you, if I can commercialize the track I created with your Acapella or if it has copyright so I know what I can and what I can't do with it.
The thing is that, here, in Mexico, is a campaign for a Tv Channel to use your tracks to musicalize their content, but they ask you to let them have rights to play your track (not the rights of the track perse) and I need to know if I can use your Acapella freely.
Thank you for the time and I'll wait for your response, take care.
Hi, hope you're having a great day, my name is Alfanii, I'm an early deep house producer from Mexico city and I just wanted to thank you for your acapella, I used it on my last track, i'll post you the link right here, feel free to give any feedback, thanks again.
It is interesting attempt, but there are empty parts and the rhythm is too linear. Lot of good things such a whole sound, flute and vocals. I like it at 3.12. Think it should be more crazy like this. The potential of the track is not fully revealed.
Not only of your vocals I made use of, also I used some of your other instrumental samples :D I hope you enjoy it Nightingale and thank you so much...your uploads on looperman are terrific =D! ---->
Thanks for your words and linking. Yes, that's a great idea to bring them all together. You made a nice dialogue between the rhythm, guitars, harmonica and "chick-chickin" voicing, particularly when it get silent.
I think you can modify tonality of some parts of basic vocals more often like you did few times, at 2:15 for example. That works.
Short, the endeavour is good.
Please Dont use my vocals for lables and spotify i will be angry,only for soundcloud tiktok insta and other annd Don t forget to share it insta nina_moody123
Check original DeepNasik Feat Nina Moody "Walking alogne"on all platforms.
Exclusive original vocals for your track from 50 usd msg insta @nina_moody123
IF You try TO Use My Vocals For commercial plantphorms for free it will BE Blocked Anyway!!!
Description : My short aphoristic poem. Words and voice by Igor Pose.
Chill Out
Trip and Hip Hop
and other sound philosophy.
Description : Play around with these vocal hooks come up with something. Please feel free to use this for non - profit. If you are interested in doing more with this song please leave a comment & I will reply.
Description : Break from the music to create a new acapella for the loop.
D# Min 4/4
D# Min 4/4
F Maj 4/4
F Maj 4/4
Vocals should be adaptable to a few different genres
Please ft. eSoreni.
For commercial use, please visit my website for details.
Description : MYAKESH, ZA IDEYU - V rozovom Khudi
Description : my name is crumb
is waiting for your remixes on this voice
send better Vkontakte myakesh_nsk
Bybye and THX for sharing, it's cool...
Some months ago I sent you a comment where I was telling you I used one of your Acapellas for a track I made, the Acapella's name is Like Your Heart.
In this new comment I wanted to ask you, if I can commercialize the track I created with your Acapella or if it has copyright so I know what I can and what I can't do with it.
The thing is that, here, in Mexico, is a campaign for a Tv Channel to use your tracks to musicalize their content, but they ask you to let them have rights to play your track (not the rights of the track perse) and I need to know if I can use your Acapella freely.
Thank you for the time and I'll wait for your response, take care.
Alfanii. nightingale
Hope you like it !
I think you can modify tonality of some parts of basic vocals more often like you did few times, at 2:15 for example. That works.
Short, the endeavour is good.
My very best.
I made a track with your vocal.
excactly what i was looking for thanks a looooott
thanks for your "participation" :)
My track with your acapella:
check it out let me know what u think ;)