Description : Spoken Word Poem. Feel free to experiment, add more fx, use only the lines you need etc. Just put me in the credits. God bless. Play sample -
This free 90 bpm spoken word acapella has been kindly uploaded by Billydragon1 and may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, as a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of this acapella to see exactly how it may be used. If you have any questions about this file, please contact Billydragon1.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
Comments (7)
If you have used this acapella leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the song you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more acapellas.
Hey thanks for sharing that awesome track brother.
I wss blown away. You could upload that here and get feedbacks for your work too bro!
Yeah, go to contact, and send me your email address. I'll try to find the dry unedited poem and send it to you. Then you can have a play/reedit again. Again, thanks for that power track. Love it man. God bless. - Mr.B
Hey Brother! Its Been A long Time Huh? Well, i was hoping that you could make me an acapella for me thats at 100bpm because i was going to use it in one of my tracks! i Love your loops billy! they really are One of The Best on looperman and your doing a great job on soundcloud! this new track of mine will be Called "Tuesday (Feat. Billy Dragon)" Because i just gotta have one of your awesome Vocals At 100bpm and then this track will be perfect! thanks Brother, Take Care and god bless. -Jack
Hey I really liked the words Billydragon1. it was just very motivational and inspiring so I just created a track of it. Tell me what you think. I hope I did you some
Hey brother. Thanks for sharing your work. I really like your composition. Yes that upbeat feel after the intro, almost as if you wanted it to be reggae.
The sampling work is good, I noticed other samples in there with that hiphop beat in the background. A good break around 2.10 to let the atmosphere soak into the listener. Hey and that outro too was awesome, love that synth sound, kinda also gives the message an urgent sound.
Well done brother, will look out for more of your work. Take care there in Tampa. Peace out and stay creative. - B
Nice to meet you too man. Hope you find something you like here with over 5000 'pella. Your words reflect who you are and what is in your heart. Take care man. Peace.
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Description : Use this acapella as you want. Dunno tempo. Dunno key. There's NO DRY version. Don't give credits and don't post your tracks here in the comments. I won't make custom collabs, I won't read comments and I won't reply private messages.
Description : her's a poem of mine, never done spoken word shit so I hope you all like it! for purchase, ect. comtact me!
Description : spoken word with some re-verb FX. a look into a mans head has a obsession takes him over.
(let me know if you use it be nice to hear what you do with it)
Description : I'm willing to give $100 to the person who makes the coolest song with this recording. You can submit your enteries directly to me at chrisjfranko AT gmail DOT com or by visiting forum DOT expanse DOT tech. I look forward to hearing what you awesome folks come up with.
I listened to your advice and uploaded my track here.
Thx for the others poems. They are really great.
I will deal with them soon:)
hello my friend, i have worked with you ^^^ ;) thank you very much.
hello my friend, i have worked with you ^^^ ;) thank you very much.
I hope you like..
I used Your vocal in my song, but i admit that it would be better dry:) I hope You enjoy it:)
I wss blown away. You could upload that here and get feedbacks for your work too bro!
Yeah, go to contact, and send me your email address. I'll try to find the dry unedited poem and send it to you. Then you can have a play/reedit again. Again, thanks for that power track. Love it man. God bless. - Mr.B
The sampling work is good, I noticed other samples in there with that hiphop beat in the background. A good break around 2.10 to let the atmosphere soak into the listener. Hey and that outro too was awesome, love that synth sound, kinda also gives the message an urgent sound.
Well done brother, will look out for more of your work. Take care there in Tampa. Peace out and stay creative. - B