if you use my vocals please consider donating at least a $1 or more to my paypal account to fund my music
I ALSO DO CUSTOM VOCALS AND LYRICS and guitar and bass loops FOR YOUR SONGS FOR 50$ A SONG I also sell loops pack hit me up for more info
if you use my vocals please consider donating at least a $1 or more to my paypal account to fund my music
I ALSO DO CUSTOM VOCALS AND LYRICS and guitar and bass loops FOR YOUR SONGS FOR 50$ A SONG I also sell loops pack hit me up for more info
Description : Pure demo recording on phone. You can ask to record with my mic later.
You can credit me as feat. AHYAN. All caps, sir. Thanks. I only ask to don't put Youtube Content ID as this voice gonna be used in a lot of tracks and I don't want someone to have claim problem.
Wanna be a partner released on my profiles spliting royalties? Show me your talent and we'll discuss. I'll choose some to publish, but I'll be glad to hear everyone who show me and comment.
IG: ahyansongs.
Description : This was initially a duet call on my kompoz page but didn't get a good response so i'm singing it as both the male and female ..bzzz schizo alert.
Description : 'Sing it Willie', 123bpm. Original acapella by Shamoozey.
Ft. Shamoozey in your title remix.
For commercial use of this acapella please get in touch!
Description : Another Shamoozey original 'Old Fashion Love Song'. 99bpm... Credit Shamoozey in your 'title' please.
Get in touch for commercial explorations on this acapella and all Shamoozey vocals..
Description : 'Get into the Mould' is another unique masterpiece by the ggreat Shamoozey. Its gotta Country/Rock flavor @ BPM 111. If you use please (feat. Shamoozey) in TITLE of your remix. Get in touch for commercial stuff.
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