Description : I found a cleaner copy of the singing vocals
original on Soundcloud
Please credit ft Frank on soundcloud for commercial use 50/50 split
Description : Please comment your remixes, thanks
Original on Soundcloud
Put Frank Zozky - So Fine ft Strategy Dowie (Your Name Remix)
Contact me on Soundcoud if you wanna use commercially we do 50/50
Description : This my first ragga acapella i reccord it with my phone so if you want make a project feel free to contact so make it burn!!!
the lyrics is so amazing make a translation if you wat to understand ahahahahha i
Description : Free Bird , a thought about Free Love. The Flute Harmonics of this song can be found in the Loops and Samples section of this website named as "Free Bird Flute".
The vocals are designed in a way that it helps the producer in build up and drop.
Of course, the message is loud and clear. Love is like a free bird.
Description : This vocal is in High Pitch. Good for Electronics. Emotional yet modern. The high pitch depicts the voice of a baby singing. So it goes along with the theme of the song.
Description : Here's from my new songs Name the song
Free USE (Non Commercial) of this song is only when you Put
Ft. Michael Mayo Or to pay to use contact me at or Key: C major
You MAY NOT USE FOR COMMERCIAL USE IN ANYWAY WITHOUT PAYING THE LICENSE FEE AND SIGNING THE ROYALTY CONTRACT FIRST. DON'T EVEN CONTACT ME IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO PAY IT! Not for label release either my resume is full of those. NO EXCEPTION! Any use without my permission will face a potential for a lawsuit. If you don't agree DON'T USE IT. ***Looperman does not offer acapellas in the same manner as loops***
Written and Preformed by Michael Mayo
(C) 2017 by Michael Mayo
Description : Old One I revamped a little bit. Use the four kicks in the beginner to line it up correctly to the tempo. The Chord I sand to was basically D Major.
Chop it or crop it how you'd like! Just remember to add "ft. WithoutMyArmor" and as always I'd love to hear what you come up with!
Description : This acapella is NOT FREE! If you want to use it non-commercially please add feat. mhyst in the title. If you want to use it commercially please contact me here or visit my website at
Description : This acapella is NOT FREE! If you want to use it non-commercially please add feat. mhyst in the title. If you want to use it commercially please contact me here or visit my website at
The dubstep acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of each acapella to see exactly how they may be used. If you have any questions about these files, please contact the user who uploaded them.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you come across any content that is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.