Description : Party People! Here are your instructions on how to do the catwalk at the club or the party!
#1 Form a soul train line.
#2. Walk like a top model and do your dance. Have fun!
Now models and the fashion world have a strong song to work the catwalk to. Serious house/dance music that adds sensuous flavor to the fashion scene!
Check for tempo.
contact me at
Description : Here's from my new songs Name the song
Free USE (Non Commercial) of this song is only when you name it
"Michael Mayo - Care (Yourname remix) Or to pay to use contact me at or
You MAY NOT USE FOR COMMERCIAL USE IN ANYWAY WITHOUT PAYING THE LICENSE FEE AND SIGNING THE ROYALTY CONTRACT FIRST. DON'T EVEN CONTACT ME IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO PAY IT! Not for label release either my resume is full of those. NO EXCEPTION! Any use without my permission will face a potential for a lawsuit. If you don't agree DON'T USE IT. ***Looperman does not offer acapellas in the same manner as loops***
Written and Preformed by Michael Mayo
(C) 2017 by Michael Mayo
Description : Name it like "Michael Mayo - Don't Stop The Love (YourName Remix)" ... To Name differently or use for commercial use contact me first at do not use in explicit content. Please only contact me about changing name if you are planning to purchase the music license not asking me about it. Thank You :) A# minor
Description : A short little vocal snippet 'Brace for Impact' from the smoothey Shamoozey that could be useful
for that musical 'drop' or other highs, for gamers or monster attacks! Woo-hoooo. Various genres!
Please ft. Shamoozey and get in touch for commercial use of this little stinger.
If you use, be kind to your fellow artiste and give credit. Must Name " FT. Michael Mayo" ... To Name differently or use for COMMERCIAL use contact me FIRST at do not use in explicit content. Please only contact me about changing name if you are planning to purchase the music license NOT asking me about it. Thank You :) KEY: B Minor
My Contact links:
Description : Please Name "Michael Mayo -
Uncover (YourName Remix) ... To Name differently or use for commercial use contact me first at do not use in explicit content. Please only contact me about changing name if you are planning to purchase the music license not asking me about it. Thank You :) KEY: G MAJOR
My Contact links:
Description : Please Name "Michael Mayo -
Anything (YourName Remix) ... To Name differently or use for commercial use contact me first at do not use in explicit content. Please only contact me about changing name if you are planning to purchase the music license not asking me about it. Thank You :) KEY: G MAJOR
My Contact links: Name "Michael Mayo - My World (YourName Remix) ... To Name differently or use for commercial use contact me first at do not use in explicit content.Key G# Minor
My Contact links:
Description : SEND ME YOUR SONGS THROUGH SNAPCHAT and I will repost them if I like them. ***MUST*** have "Michael Mayo - Are You Down (YourName Remix)" in the title For commercial use or to use a different name contact me FIRST on or any of my social media!!!! Michael Mayo will always have to right to take down your remixes! Key is G Major
Description : SEND ME YOUR SONGS THROUGH SNAPCHAT and I will repost them if I like them. ***MUST*** have "Michael Mayo - Anything (YourName Remix)" in the title For commercial use or to use a different name contact me FIRST on or any of my social media!!!! Michael Mayo will always have to right to take down your remixes!
Description : Any track using these vocals ***MUST*** be named "Michael Mayo - Are You Down (YourName Remix)" For commercial use or to use a different name contact me first on or any of my social media BEFORE YOU PO$T!!!! Michael Mayo will always have to right to take down your remixes! Origianl song here: KEY IS G MAJOR
Description : ALL songs made with this acapella must be named " Michael Mayo - Anything (YourNameHere Remix)" if not named it WILL be removed! For commercial use, official releases, or you wish to rename it contact me at ADD ME ON SNAP: Mayo2.0 (you can send your remix there too) LEAVE ME A FACEBOOK REVIEW
Description : A new acapella with some repeats so you can choose the best pieces for your song. Please ft. eSoreni. This vocal is NOT part of a sample pack. Do not send your song with my vocals to any record label without contacting me first. Do not publish your song on Beatport, traxsource or any other digital music medium for profit. If you want to do any of the above, please visit my website at so I can help you achieve your goal. Do not use my vocals in any song that is vulgar, sexual, or just plain inappropriate.
Description : Three simple phrases in several different pitches. I even added a section with effects. I know perhaps maybe this is overkill, so just use the one(s) you like best.
Please ft. eSoreni. This vocal is NOT part of a sample pack. Do not send your song with my vocals to any record label without contacting me first. Do not publish your song on Beatport, traxsource or any other digital music medium for profit. If you want to do any of the above, please visit my website at so I can help you achieve your goal. Do not use my vocals in any song that is vulgar, sexual, or just plain inappropriate.
Description : Anyone into Jason Bourne? Shamoozey was inspired by the Mini chase
in The Bourne Identy.. Not sure of BPM
but a version can be heard here with the use of a Looperman beat
Please 'credit' Shamoozey in your remix and be sure to share. Have fun! Ta Ta Soluna!
The house acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of each acapella to see exactly how they may be used. If you have any questions about these files, please contact the user who uploaded them.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you come across any content that is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.