Description : A hymn to the Lord. Get in touch for commercial use. BPM not known as it was a yt sing along. Ft. Shamoozey in your title remix. God Bless You!
Description : 'Story of Cain and Abel'. Here's one perfect for the Christian Radio. A narration by the great one... Shamoozey.
Please (Feat. Shamoozey) in your Title remix, thanks!. Please also,,
get in touch for purchase of this narration or any Shamoozey vocals.
Description : 'Square it Away With The Lord' 123bpm. Shamoozey showing slight modest tendencies. Please (feat. Shamoozey) in your TITLE remix. Praise the Lord!
Description : Another original Shamoozey jingle to praise the Lord Alajamoozey. BPM 125 - 4/4. For the commercial christian get in touch, i maka u offfa u cnut refusa! This acapella is copyright protected and must have permission from the author and performer. A contract must be signed before any and all Shamoozey Acapellas/Vocals are "officially released"
for public consumption or monetary gain by DJs/Producers/Labels etc.
Description : Shamoozey narrates on 'The Sabbbath' Did you know that Satan is most active on the Sabbath? A contract must be signed before any and all Shamoozey Acapellas/Vocals are "officially released"
for public consumption or monetary gain by DJs/Producers/Labels etc.
Description : Bible verses reading by Shamoozey about the last days on earth. Matthew 24-36-39- KING JAMES VERSION.
IF you use in your project please 'feat' Shamoozey in your title. A contract must be signed before any and all Shamoozey Acapellas/Vocals are "officially released"
for public consumption or monetary gain by DJs/Producers/Labels etc.
Description : Something for the spirit of Christmas called "baby Jesus jingle" The BPM is 120. Please credit Shamoozey if you use and for commercial use please get in touch. Cheers and Mary Christmas!
Description : With Christmas just around the corner I thought a little Jingle Bells are in order!! This acapella would be nice a the beginning or end of your Christmas musical creation. Let me know if you use it, thanks!
Description : Vocals from my track "GO TO THE FUTURE" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I am only posting b/c I WANT TO HEAR what you do with it. So please be cool and share it back. Cheers!!
Description : This is a clip from a pastor. I love mixing music to speeches. He's allowed me to do it for him and doesn't mind if someone else would like to use it. If you share the same passion or you’re just looking for something different, check it out. Feel free to chop it too.
Description : This is a clip from a pastor. I love mixing music to speeches. He's allowed me to do it for him and doesn't mind if someone else would like to use it. If you share the same passion or you’re just looking for something different, check it out. Feel free to chop it too.
Description : This is a clip from a pastor. I love mixing music to speeches. He's allowed me to do it for him and doesn't mind if someone else would like to use it. If you share the same passion or you’re just looking for something different, check it out. Feel free to chop it too.
Description : This is a clip from a pastor. I love mixing music to speeches. He's allowed me to do it for him and doesn't mind if someone else would like to use it. If you share the same passion or you’re just looking for something different, check it out. Feel free to chop it too.
Description : This is a clip from a pastor. I love mixing music to speeches. He's allowed me to do it for him and doesn't mind if someone else would like to use it. If you share the same passion or you’re just looking for something different, check it out. Feel free to chop it too.
The religious acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of each acapella to see exactly how they may be used. If you have any questions about these files, please contact the user who uploaded them.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you come across any content that is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.