Description : Lee Huxley reads Igor Pose's poetic statement on the topic of democracy.
For any form of commercial use of this acapella you need to purchase a license.
Description : Hi! You can use this vocal sample of mine in your productions. However, it is essential that the song is released (commercially or non-commercially) in the following way: Michael B DJ - Make It Happen (YOUR ARTIST NAME Remix).
Thank you.
Description : Hi! You can use this vocal sample of mine in your productions. However, it is essential that the song is released (commercially or non-commercially) in the following way: Michael B DJ - Orange (YOUR ARTIST NAME Remix).
Thank you.
Description : Another poetic aphorism by Igor Pose, read in the incredible voice of Lee Huxley. For any form of commercial use of this acapella you need to purchase a license.
Description : The adzan is called, spoken word poetry by kamal eman about the importance of prayer. Recording with technical problems but still workable!
Description : Anti-war philosophy by Igor Pose voiced by British singer and songwriter Lee Huxley. For any form of commercial use of this acapella you need to purchase a license.
Description : Another chapter on the topic of Art and false values from "The Crying Heart Manifesto" by Igor Pose & Lee Huxley (his voice). For any form of commercial use of this acapella you need to purchase a license.
Description : When you feel isolated, believe in yourself and don't let anyone take your joy! Get up, brush yourself off and keep trying. You owe it to yourself. The good life!
Description : I know how it feels to be in pain, isolation, misunderstood and to deal with loss and grief, but their is a flip side. It's all how you look at it and make sure you love yourself and keep joy in your heart!
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Description : The statement by Igor Pose & Lee Huxley, from "The Crying Heart Manifesto". For any form of commercial use of this acapella you need to purchase a license.
Description : Peace . I’m encouraging you to challenge yourself and live your dreams no matter how hard it may get
MrO aka kamal From beyond the grave you beamed down to the cradle
prenatal, born with infinite potential
so to not make the planet rock, it would be fatal
Sometimes you may fall, but everything is possible
so get back up, your
The spoken word acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
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