Description : I've begun putting a small kick at the beginning of my acapella.
If this is allowed anyway.
This is so you know where to place me exactly as some DAWs
export/import with silence for 0.03ms or something.
Anyway, use freely, space in-between for adlibs and a back n forth verse.
Description : It has never been easier to have access to the industry standard Vocals, get the separate stems for your next hit record link on my profile
You can get a commercial license + stems (vocal doubles, adlibs etc) link on my profile
Perfect for Dance/House & EDM genres
Feel Free to DM me if you have any questions or want me to write & record the rest of the song
Description : I got baked the other night and came up with this.
It's a bit wonky. First 8 bars/measures are a single voice, the second 8 bars/measures have adlibs and support voices.
Free for non-commercial use! This is not royalty free. Make sure you put feat. Craig Blackmoore in the title and send me a copy! This will be available for a limited time.
Do something epic!
Acapellas (22)
The adlibs acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of each acapella to see exactly how they may be used. If you have any questions about these files, please contact the user who uploaded them.
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