
Comedy Acapellas, Vocals & Sounds

Showing acapellas that mention comedy. Use the advanced search to find others.

Acapellas (14)
2nd Apr 2016 01:21 - 8 years ago
Tags : 145 bpm
8.00 MB
Adult Content
Has Lyrics
Usage : Kamalimani did not set this field. Assume non commercial use only

Search Rating : 18.58

Description : Hey Sexshe is what you get when you mix crazy comedy with techno dance music. It's just a fun song! So enjoy "Hey Sexshe "You So Silly"..

This child like character is trying to crack jokes and talk to this old man who is hard of hearing. Then the old man starts to tell the kid his old silly story LOL. The beat is remarkable at 145 Beats Per Minute and KSu is the alter ego of a very well known poet and producer can you guess who?
22nd Mar 2015 02:35 - 9 years ago
Tags : 95 bpm
6.34 MB
Adult Content
Has Lyrics
Usage : Kamalimani did not set this field. Assume non commercial use only

Search Rating : 18.58

Description : Sonny Just wants some loose cigarettes from the corner store and ends up getting in a debate with the merchant in the hood lol. LMAO comedy over a hot hip hop beat with an east indian back drop. Sonny Barnes will have you laughing all the way to the store! If you know anything about how it goes down in a hood convenience store, this will have you on the floor!
This makes the perfect ringtone!

Download on Bandcamp!
29th Sep 2023 03:49 - 11 months ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : It's time to get silly sexy and comedic with crazy kamal live
29th Sep 2023 03:48 - 11 months ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : It's time to get silly sexy and comedic with crazy kamal live
29th Sep 2023 03:46 - 11 months ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : It's time to get silly sexy and comedic with crazy kamal live
5th Feb 2022 00:34 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : Comedy, making light of my hospital stay
3rd Jan 2022 18:50 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7 part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
3rd Jan 2022 18:48 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
3rd Jan 2022 18:42 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7 part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
3rd Jan 2022 18:35 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7 part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
3rd Jan 2022 18:32 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7 part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
3rd Jan 2022 18:30 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7 part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
3rd Jan 2022 18:25 - 2 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : This is a 7 part series about some of my experiences in the covid ICU Isolation Room that I was in for over a month. Comedy/spokenword
to God the Glory
6th Aug 2021 16:21 - 3 years ago

Search Rating : 9.29

Description : Comedy
Have you ever been interrupted while trying to get some milk and cookies? Well, I got a story about it. You wanna hear it? Hear we go....
Acapellas (14)