Description : This is the full vocal to my song "Space Love" featuring Al Mega on the first verse. Im on the Hook and Second verse. You can use this for Hip Hop, House, EDM, or any multitude of genres. Im pumped to hear remixes.
If you want to add my Acapellas to your song and upload them online on streaming platforms I dont mind just please give me fair writers credits if you publish using distrokid.
Description : It has never been easier to have access to the industry standard Vocals, get the separate stems for your next hit record link on my profile
You can get a commercial license + stems (vocal doubles, adlibs etc) link on my profile
Perfect for Dance/House & EDM genres
Feel Free to DM me if you have any questions or want me to write & record the rest of the song
Description : I wrote this song for a progressive house track originally a few years ago, never ended up using the vocals. FREE TO USE ON ANY PLATFORMS
'Miscliqued' in songwriting details (optional)
BPM: 126
Key: G Major
Vocals are wet processed already, I don't have the dry stems anymore.
I release free to use acapellas, if you would like to support me feel free to find me on all platforms.
Description : My poetry in French. Words & voice by Igor Pose.
You can find the same poem in Russian below, among other recitations.
For better understanding:
0.01 Title
0.06 Epigraph
0.22 Poem
Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy.
Description : My labor philosophy as poetry in Russian. Words & voice by Igor Pose.
Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy.
Description : My poetry in French. Words & voice by Igor Pose.
For better understanding:
0.01 Title
0.06 Epigraph
0.22 Poem
Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy.
Description : My poetic philosophy in English. Words & voice by Igor Pose. It is an approximate translation of Not In Vain poem, that you can find below in Russian. Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy
Description : My poetry in Russian. Words & voice by Igor Pose.
For a better understanding:
0.01 Title
0.06 Epigraph
0.22 Poem
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy.
Commercial Licence Required.
Description : My poetic philosophy in French. Words & voice by Igor Pose. Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy.
Description : My philosophical poetry in Russian. Words & voice by Igor Pose. Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy
Description : My poetry in Russian. Words & voice by Igor Pose. Commercial licence required.
Genres: House, Ambient, Chill Out, Techno, Trip and Hip Hop and other sound philosophy
The house acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of each acapella to see exactly how they may be used. If you have any questions about these files, please contact the user who uploaded them.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you come across any content that is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
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