Showing acapellas that mention lil uzi. Use the advanced search to find others.
Search Rating : 18.79
Description : Vocals to my song "Get Outta My Head". Please title your song "Garçon D'or - Get Outta My Head (your name Remix)"i cant wait to hear what yall do.Search Rating : 15.09
Description : made a song in the car over my beat. show some loveSearch Rating : 11.38
Description : recorded a hook for a friend. thought id post it on hereSearch Rating : 11.38
Description : Made a random song today, thought I would drop it here. Show some love in the comment section and share your creations below!Search Rating : 11.38
Description : Made a random song last night, thought I would drop it here.My bad if the mic quality is trash, shouldnt be terrible though, just background white noise. Show some love in the comment section and share what you make belowThe lil uzi acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
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This list only shows acapellas that have the word lil uzi in the title or description. Use the search box to find more free lil uzi type acapellas.