Showing acapellas that mention phrase. Use the advanced search to find others.
Search Rating : 13.60
Description : The Latin phrase in saecula saeculorum expresses the idea of eternity, and is literally translated as "in a century of centuries." It is biblical, taken from the Vulgate translation of the New Testament, translating the Greek phrase. Anyone? The usual English translation is "for ever and ever", Amen to that! ShamoozeySearch Rating : 13.60
Description : 4 more versions of this phrase + WAV. format here >>> Rating : 13.60
Description : 1 more version of this phrase + WAV. format is here >>> Rating : 6.80
Description : Please credit Silver Bella in your song title i.e. feat. Silver Bella (or however you would like to phrase it). :)Search Rating : 6.80
Description : Please credit Silver Bella in your song title i.e. feat. Silver Bella (or however you would like to phrase it). :)Search Rating : 6.80
Description : Poetic phrase. Lyrics & voice Igor Pose.Search Rating : 6.80
Description : Quick little phraseSearch Rating : 6.80
Description : This file is clean, so edit it as you want and add effects. Feel free to use this phrase in your mixes, radioshows, other projects and Don't forget to send me a link for listening :)Search Rating : 6.80
Description : Add effects! Feel free to use this file in your projects and Don't forget to send me a link of your track)Search Rating : 6.80
Description : this file in WAV. format is here >>>Search Rating : 6.80
Description : This is my vocal sample without any effects, compress it and add reverb, delay or a word - edit it as you want..and if you use this vocal in your projects, please, send me the link =)Search Rating : 6.80
Description : Each line starts with a phrase and builds to a euphoric (don't know if it's "euphoric" per se, but that's the only word that comes to mind) relapse. Would love to hear if you do anything with this!! Thanks!! - KenThe phrase acapellas listed here may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of any acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, at a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
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This list only shows acapellas that have the word phrase in the title or description. Use the search box to find more free phrase type acapellas.