
Acapellas & Vocals

Showing 2 acapellas by retardedsick . Use the advanced search option to filter results.

Acapellas (2)
18th Feb 2022 22:50 - 2 years ago
Description : Description : You can contact me on ig @retardedsick for features
You can only use this Vocal on Non-Paid Music Streaming Services. That means No SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC or ALL MUSIC STREAMING SERVICES, just Soundcloud, YouTube, Bandcamp, etc.
Feat me like (You feat retardedsick)
pls share if you make anything ;)
originally posted on 11th December 2021
4th Nov 2021 15:10 - 2 years ago
Description : You can contact me direct for features
You can only use this Vocal on Non-Paid Music Streaming Services. That means No SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC or ALL MUSIC STREAMING SERVICES, just Soundcloud, YouTube, Bandcamp, etc.
Feat me like (You feat retardedsick)
pls share if you make anything ;)
tag lil peep
Acapellas (2)