
Acapellas & Vocals

Showing 8 acapellas by LiLV1sion . Use the advanced search option to filter results.

Acapellas (8)
26th May 2024 10:48 - 3 months ago
Description : Bit out of tune but that's what pitch correction is for, if used add (feat. LiL_V1sion) yadda yadda, yes the underscore is part of my name I'm obnoxious. Enjoy I guess.
10th Jun 2023 15:29 - 1 year ago
Description : Random pitched up vocal thing I did quickly, might sound usable with enough effects idk. If used credit me as "LiL_V1sion", although I won't be that bothered if you forget the underscore.
28th Feb 2023 17:59 - 1 year ago
Description : Yes, I know this sounds awful, listen to the tuned version also on here to hear what I had in mind for these vocals. There is some clipping (I think that's the term) on the tuned version so it would probably be better to just use these dry vocals and add your own effects. There are a few cuts in the vocals as it is made up from multiple takes. You can of course do whatever you want with either the dry or tuned vocals, as long as you add (feat. LiL_V1sion) or something like that.
28th Feb 2023 17:58 - 1 year ago
Description : I am aware that this has some bad clipping (I think that's the term), so I posted the dry vocals along with these so I'd recommend downloading them. If you want to use these effects though you're free to do so of course, although this is more of a frame of reference than anything. You can do whatever you want with either the dry vocals or the tuned vocals as long as you put (feat. LiL_V1sion) or something like that.
12th Jun 2022 14:17 - 2 years ago
Description : Yeah I know it kinda sounds like the Hold You Back one but whatever. Remember to put (feat. LiL_V1sion) if you use it, you know the deal. Also this isn't a requirement but please don't put them offbeat, it sounds weird.
31st Mar 2022 10:01 - 2 years ago
Description : If you use remember to put (feat. LiL_V1sion). That's all
24th Mar 2022 14:49 - 2 years ago
Description : Ehhhhhhhhhhh I don't really like this one. Still you gotta put me as a feature (feat. LiL_V1sion). Use it for any song you make, no matter how bad idc.
24th Mar 2022 09:48 - 2 years ago
Description : Rushed this if I'm honest, oh well it's my first one. If you use this please list me as a feature (feat. LiL_V1sion) so I can find it. Idc what you do with it, go wild! Vocals obviously have reverb.
Acapellas (8)