
Acapellas & Vocals

Showing 3 acapellas by AnthonyAspen . Use the advanced search option to filter results.

Acapellas (3)
26th Oct 2024 10:16 - 5 months ago
Description : I like the muffled sound of the vocals, and the vocals are a bit of an exception of my other acapellas, it's from a song that i'm currently making, but i think it'll take a while to come up with a chorus

Please indicate that you used my vocals and mention in the description my SoundCloud and Instagram

To release these vocals or use some other way commercially, please contact me to discuss details.
26th Oct 2024 10:15 - 5 months ago
Description : yet again, another badly recorded vocals, that I wasn't able to use and make something out of it, hope you'll figure it out

Please indicate that you used my vocals and mention in the description my SoundCloud or youtube

To release these vocals or use some other way commercially, please contact me to discuss details.
19th Jul 2024 15:50 - 8 months ago
Description : The vocals are quite dirty, I recorded it like half a year ago, I can record it again with my new mic if you really want to use it

Please indicate that you used my vocals and mention in the description my SoundCloud and Instagram

To release these vocals or use some other way commercially, please contact me to discuss details.
Acapellas (3)