It's been a long time coming but we're pleased to finally announce a new batch of updates to that should make the whole experience much better. There is, as always, a never ending list of things we would like to implement and we'll endeavour to add more features once we're comfortable that everything is working as it should be following this update.
Here's a run down of the main items that have been improved and updated.
Looperman has gone to the dark side !! For all you late night producers or just for those that prefer the lights down low you can now switch between dark or light mode. In fact we like it so much we decided to make it the default. You can switch modes using the icon on the top right of the page.
We rebuilt the whole site with bootstrap which gave us a much cleaner and consistent look and feel. All the forms and menus should now work beautifully and look good on any device. We curated our own set of icons and went for a much simpler color scheme. You'll find modal windows, popovers and offcanvas menus to help declutter the pages and make whole experience much more intuitive.
Another great advantage of using bootstrap to restyle everything is that now the site should work even better on mobile or tablets. For those with smaller screen or those on the go you'll find a much better experience.
As a result of refactoring the code behind looperman and reducing the dependencies on external code you should see much improved page load times. There is still work to do here so expect further improvements moving forward.
Where you could once set the tracks that you loved as favourites you can now do the same with loops and acapellas. The big advantage of this is that if you are, for example of your phone and don't want to download files you can simply add them to your favourites and go straight back to them when you get to your computer.
For now we went with a basic set of time signatures but we can expand on those if the feature gets used. We did a quick search and where it was possible automatically assigned the time signatures to previous uploads but you should update any of your own content to get them included too.
Each section now has (on bigger screens) a quick or advanced search facility. The quick search is a great way to find your favourites, your previous downloads or anything that's been uploaded in the last few days for example.
The advanced search has all the old options as well as a number of brand new ones including more options to adjust the order or search results as well as the option to search by time signature and include or remove adult / NSFW content.
When performing a keyword search you can now prefix your keywords with either + or - to include or exclude those terms from the results. We also strip out certain stop words that were never any use as far as searches go. The big difference in the keyword search is that the results are now listed in order of relevance rather than simply by the date uploaded. Where results achieve the same "search rating" we then order them by date uploaded as before. You can however adjust the order in the advanced search to refine the results to your preference.
Here are some example keyword searches and the expected results
We'll work more on this in future. For those of you that upload you should ensure you describe your files well in order to be found in future.
We added an option to use your keyboard to play or move forwards and backwards when viewing lists of acapellas, loops or tracks. Here is a breakdown of the controls available at the moment.
Where ever you see a username link you can hover over it to reveal a popover that gives you the basic info for that user along with a number of useful links. You'll need to be logged in for the links to show up but you should see their info regardless.
When you view files either in lists or on their own page you can now see the lyrics or favourites for that item. It used to be that you could only do this by visiting the detail page. We'll do the same for other useful content soon.
This is something that many people have been requesting for a while. You can now see basic stats on profile pages. We included totals for your uploads, downloads, comments, track plays, favourites and who you are blocking, following or ignoring etc. These stats are not real time but do get updated as and when things change.
You can now add links to your other sites or networks to appear on your profile page. See the My Networks link on your profile settings area. You can get to your settings by clicking the user icon on the top right of the site to activate the new profile menu.
Where previously you could block users you now also have the option to either ignore or follow users.
All the forms should now validate your information before they allow you to submit anything. A big problem in the past was that if you were uploading a file and made a mistake on the form it waited till the file had uploaded before deciding to tell you there had been a problem. Now 90% of those errors should be caught beforehand. You should plenty of tips as you try and fill form to make life easier all round.
Comments and replies should now happen in the same page without the need to refresh and potentially stop the track you are listening to playing.
We added a modal player that takes the links you post in the comments area and turns them into an embedded player. No need to leave the site and go to youtube to listen to someone's track. We also added a function that strips bulk tracking variables from link urls to make the comments cleaner.
We'll roll this feature out fully as we move along and as we do you'll start to see the report (flag) icon appearing. You'll be able to use this to let us know about things like spam comments or content that should not have been uploaded.
While we were at it we took the time to upgrade all the server hardware and software. Were now running the most powerful setup we have ever had that should see us right for years to come.
This is something we used to do every now and again but not something we have done for a while. The idea is to ensure consistency and an attempt to streamline the database and free up space on the server. As this latest update went live we updated accounts that have not logged in and set them as archived. These accounts and their content will not be shown in searches and their content will not be available for download. Eventually these accounts will be removed permanently. We don't have a set timeline for this just yet but will make a decision once the dust settles and we have everyone moved into the new system. Where an account is set as archived, once that user logs in, it will come back to life and everything will become available again. Initially this will result in a reduced number of loops, acapellas & tracks available but we expect this to ramp back up as previous users reactivate their accounts.
Apart from reducing the load on the server and reducing the bloat in the database which should speed things up we expect that those users who are active should start to see better exposure for their content.
By default we restrict the ability to upload loops and acapellas to try and ensure a reasonable quality in uploaded content. In the past we asked users to contact us and request access which often resulted in rejection. To try and improve on this we created a more streamlined process for requesting access. We added pages that provide a clear set of upload guidelines for each section that you must read first to prevent your request being denied or your uploads being rejected if you are granted upload access. See the guidelines link in the main menu for either acapellas, loops or tracks.
While we've been working on these latest set of updates we stopped taking on any new uploaders so expect to see a whole load of new faces now that the doors are open again. If you requested access previously but not heard anything back consider that application as closed. Follow the link on the loops or acapella pages and make a new application. Make sure to follow the guides carefully and read everything we ask you to before applying.
Every loop, acapella or track now has a copyright icon that gives you a quick reference to how those files can be used.
We spent some time updating the help area to try and provide some advice on the most frequently asked questions as well as some general tips on how to best use the site. We also had the legal bods go over the terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookies policy. Hopefully these should all be a lot more thorough.
There is plenty more to come so for now just let us know how you are getting on with the recent updates and if you run into any problems get in touch and let us know what's wrong.
We hope you enjoy the updates and don't forget to leave a comment and let us know what you think of the new features.
Thanks so much to everyone for your feedback, both bad and good. Rolling out an update is never a simple task and there will always be issues.
Its impossible to test things and get it right for everyone first time. Everyone is using different devices, in different locations and all using the site in their own way, with their own priorities.
We will always try and make the site work as well as possible for everyone. With that said, if you do have feedback make sure its constructive feedback. Simply saying something is broken or you dont like something does not give us much to go on. Rather than posting a complaint here, email support and give us as much info as possible. We have already fixed a number of things that have been bought to our attention and will work though anything else you report.
Finally, just to let you know that we have had an influx of users applying to upload and we will work through those as soon as we can. The priority at the moment is to get everything running smoothly so please bear with us.
Feel free to post your own comment.
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for example YNW Melly "Murder on my mind" loop is GONE.
On the homepage it says "start downloading now or upload your own loops, acapellas & tracks or find others to work with."
How are we supposed to connect and find others to work with or share any knowledge without forums??
Come on guys, there has to be a solution. Reddit is not a viable substitute.
Quick and advanced search too effortful. We still have to open the detail page of the sample to be able to download it,...
Please think about UX next time, beautiful is nice, but when no usable it has no point.
Love the new site and proud to be a member. Be cool when I don't have my uploads checked.
Great work team.
It's so bad that the Opera browser considers this a site they have to warn you before entering as they claim it is an unsafe site to visit, my guess for the ads.
Thank you for update btw!
For example, let's say I'm looking for drum loops at 130 bpm and I get about 5 pages worth. I can click through any of the 4 pages as I want, but as soon as I click the last 5th page, all the numbers disappear and I have to either research on advanced search or click back through my browser instead. I found some other little glitches too but will update another time.
i noticed that when i want to look at my fav loops they aren't in order of when i added them there. im not sure what order they are in, but this can make it confusing when wondering which ones have a downloaded yet.
-More Modern Look
-I love how it keeps track of users stats now (maybe include leaderboard)
-I love certain subtle additions like adding social media links to profile
-The ads are taking up far too much space on the screen, making it glitch
-The loading time for playing/downloading loops is significantly slower
-There should be a section for the community to be able to chat/collab (forums)
-Perhaps send an email to users letting them know the Update has arrived, it seems traffic is a tad low
Really appreciate the Dark Mode feature and overall much more easy-use layout we now have.
(P.S Would like to have the volume button back)
Overall, again, what a great update.
Take care.
BK Masondo
Sincerely, ZoSo
The thing I think is funny is how everyone bitched about the place needing to update and all the changes that needed to be done. Then all of it happened, and now everyone is bitching about how it was updated, and all of the changes that were made.
Just give it a minute to get used to it, everyone.
Honestly, I'm just grateful that after all the years that Looperman has been active, it's still 100% free to use. We get a lot here without really having to give back. I will miss the Forums, though. I personally feel that, (at one point in time), they were a great source of info., advice, and feedback from other users. Back before it was all "Producer looking for rapper". So, after the last few years of them being spammed by that crap, I can understand why they were dropped. Maybe someday we can give it a trial return, huh?
Thank you for the site, Shan.
Take care.
Not really crazy about the color scheme.
Mouse hover over comments is not working,(comments not a selectable item) so no way to view a comment left on your track unless you click post a comment first, and that's defiantly taking away from the user experience. I would have thought it would have been some added features instead of just a change of the CSS.
The biggest improvement is without question, the responsive layout.
The % of the layout dedicated to the ads could have been a little less, I mean it's kind of annoying when ads are almost taking up 50% of the have the ads taking precedence over the blog, from the main track page, you have to scroll down past all of the adds just to see the blog, I know you also have a blog tab in the nav bar, but the site design should be more user friendly....
As a software engineer myself, I applaud you for all of the hard work I know it took to get this up and running.
We'll look into the comments link. You can also click the title to get to the main page of a file where the comments are shown.
There are the same number as ads as before. Maybe let support know your device type and screen size and potentially a screen shot to see what you are seeing
If youre going to state in the terms and conditions that everything can be used freely - why not at least let us upload "layered" or "premixxed" sounds.
thx for all your hard work friend
• clear
• user-friendly
• Function-oriented
Imagine if the DSP's or music labels had these clauses. oufff. And hopefully these songs mature into monetized pieces. Shouldn't all of that be encouraged instead of stifled?
Thank you
First the forums were removed. These were valuable. Nearly everyone has asked for them to be returned. This makes the decision odd to me.
The most unusable aspect for me is the restriction on who's voice can be on a track or acapella.
This restriction does not reflect IP law at all. It punishes people who take the time and expertise to work with others and are not breaking any laws.
The idea that I do not have rights to materials because it has more than one voice is ludicrous and backwards. I have contracts and physical masters.
This is a huge issue for me.
For example I was flagged for a track which I own 100% of the masters and majority IP bc it has 3 voices. I have to take the track down to comply. However 2sisters (no offense you make nice music) even has 2 sisters in the name, and puts descriptions about who she is working with on the track. yet...
wtf is going on please?
Thank you
I appreciate your efforts to improve the platform and thank you for everything you've made possible for me as a producer. However, as a former product designer, I need to point out that the new visual overhaul and search system are not improvements.
My workflow has taken a huge hit. The new loop containers are too detailed and take up more space, making browsing harder. The search system has too many criteria in a dropdown menu, requiring more actions than before.
Please consider consulting a usability, UI, or UX expert. The site was straightforward and intuitive, but now the increased complexity is hindering the user experience.
The old site design is much better than the new one.
On the updated website, finding the right loops takes 3 times longer.
Also, one of the standing requests for v3 was the ability to respond to individual comments from other users. In most modern online blogs, a sub-branch occurs automatically when a user responds directly to another user's specific comment or post on a blog.
Even though the implementation and update took some time, this rollout felt rushed and left many request for other features on the floor. Like where is the ability to go back and edit my post in case of a typo?
Otherwise, as already mentioned, it is a huge step forward. Thanks!
Greetings from Mexico!!