
John Peels Vinyl Record Collection Goes Online Via The Space

Posted in Audio Chat
1st May 2012 - 12 years ago
John Peels vinyl record collection goes online via The Space

Where To Now ?

Comments (4)

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theHumps 5th May 2012 17:20 - 12 years ago
What a great 30 minute video history of John and his interest in cool music, I can def relate to this guys viewpoint and outlook to unknown bands. I will have to get around the site a little more but from what I can see it is pretty in depth, covering all sorts of media and arts.

I recommend everyone check this out!
theHumps 4th May 2012 23:42 - 12 years ago
I had never heard of John before this blog. I will def give the site a visit, thanks for the info Shan!
Mahloo13 1st May 2012 13:08 - 12 years ago
Fabulous collection! I mean '68...I was amazed how well that music sounded in the background....
FreeRadical 1st May 2012 12:51 - 12 years ago
John Peel was a legend. He championed many artists that influenced me back in the 90's. What i loved about this guy was that he'd give almost everyone a bit of airtime and there hasn't (to my knowledge) been anyone else since willing to put themselves out for new artists like he did.
Radio lost one of it's finest the day Mr Peel died. Anything that wishes to showcase his work and take a similar approach to current music must be worth a look at.
I shall do just that.

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