
Analog Obsession - YALA



YALA is a Iconic Vari-Mu limiting amplifier with extra features!


  • VOLUME: -24 to +24dB internally compensated input volume to drive circuit. You can drive the circuit and get saturation plus more compression or vice versa.
  • ATTEN: Output volume to adjust final level after process.
  • THRESHOLD: This Will let you set the threshold to make the compressor work. If you use the VOLUME knob to boost input, you can leave THRESHOLD at the default position and get mojo slightly compression. It has 50dB range.
  • RELEASE: 50ms to 2sec release time
  • MIX: Will let you blend compressed and dry signal.
  • HPF: 20 to 500Hz HPF to keep low frequencies from the sidechain circuit. So, the compressor won’t touch to low-end.
  • EXT-SC: This will let you use external signal to compressed input signal.
  • POWER: Plugin Bypass
  • Fixed Attack Time: 10ms
Analog Obsession


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Comments (1)

If you have tried this software leave some feedback for others.

MrAxel 4th Jun 2021 17:59 - 3 years ago
Just dial in the power!!! No mud! No kidding! The easiest and best one I used so far.

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