ATKTransientShaper is a mono transient shaper with all the parameters usually hidden from the user.
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Here's 15 more plugins, vsts and aps from Audio Tool Kit
ATK MTB is an overdrive plugin, modelling the Boss MTB pedal with adaptations for the Bass. Additional hidden parameters allow you to tweak the tone control Q factors as the traditional .....
ATK MT2 is an overdrive plugin, modelling the Boss MT2 pedal. It models all the tone-shaping components of the pedal as well as the override section, leading to a precise reproduction .....
ATKStereoPhaser is a mono to stereo phaser plugin
ATKUniversalDelay is a mono variable delay plugin
ATKStereoLimiter is a stereo limiter plugin.
ATKLimiter is a mono limiter plugin.
ATKSideChainExpander is a stereo expander plugin.
ATKSideChainCompressor is a stereo side-chain compressor plugin
The side chain capability allows an outside signal to trigger the compressor, like a filtered version of the original signal or .....
ATKSD1 is an emulation of the Boss SD1 pedal.
ATKAutoSwell is a mono auto swell. Auto swell lowers the gain after the input signal goes over the threshold.
ATKTransientSplitter is a mono transient splitter, cutting an input signal into its transient and sustain parts.
ATKStereoUniversalDelay is a stereo universal delay plugin. The universal refers to the fact that it can do feedforward and feedback delay as well as a blend from the original mono signal.
ATKBassPreamp is a bass preamp plugin, modelling the inverter input stage of a Fender Bassman followed by its tone stack. This preamplifier features an analog modelling of a tube, giving a nice warm .....