
Audio Tool Kit - Transient Shaper

Developer : Audio Tool Kit 1406 0
Transient Shaper


ATKTransientShaper is a mono transient shaper with all the parameters usually hidden from the user.


  • RMS is the size of the power windows
  • Attack is the attack time constant for the slow attack/release filter
  • Attack fraction (or ratio) is the percentage of the attack time constant that will be used for the fast attack/release filter. Used to work on the transient at the beginning of a sound.
  • Release is the release time constraint for the fast attack/release filter (as the release time has to be higher)
  • Release fraction (or ratio) is the percentage of the release time constant that will be used for the slow attack/release filter (as it has a faster release time constant). Used to work on the transient at the end of the sound. Threshold
  • Slope is the ratio, 1 being the identity, higher than 1 compressing the transient, less than 1 swelling it
  • Softness is an indicator of the harshness of the knee of the underlying compressor
  • Color is an indicator of the colour around the threshold: positive increases the gain around it, negative decreases it
  • Quality is the amount of colour
  • Make-up is the gain after the effect
  • Dry-wet gives the balance between the unprocessed signal and the processed signal
Audio Tool Kit


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