combover is a comb delay, and four more comb delays, and a step sequencer that does odd things, and a pool of prime numbers that make stuff happen, and some mix n match pitch detection. It also has an xy pad and wet / dry controls that let some stuff through and other stuff not. It does crazy stuff, you should stop reading these words and find out for yourself.
combover was developed by de la Mancha and runagate, who together formed the evil alliance. It hasn’t been available for download for a while, but following the new dlM wordpress site, I am going to carry on uploading a few archived and previously unavailable plugins.
We don't host any software files here. The download button will take you to the DLM website where you can download the software direct.
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Here's 15 more plugins, vsts and aps from DLM
envy is a two channel, midi-triggered volume envelope plug with added features
moot is a flexible audio mute plugin with a number of additional features. The mute switch (Hit Me) can be assigned to a single midi keyboard key and act in 3 ways
as a latch (one press mute, .....
thrummaschine is a 3-band distortion effect with independant, LFO-driven filters. Make your bass, mid and high frequencies oscillate at different speeds, shapes and pan, with whatever flavour and level .....
fr33some is a 3-band, stereo splitter. You can use it to define 3 frequency ranges for low, mid and high frequencies, and output each band to a different stereo output, for individual processing.
Imperfection is an effect plugin to put some lofi back into your pristine 64bit audio. Who wants hi fidelity reproduction when you can reduce the quality, take out some of that bottom end, add a smear .....
pfilter creates a steppy, gated effect, but using filter cut-off instead of volume to give a wider range of possibilities. It uses a variable state filter, triggered between 2 adjustable cut-off values .....
gator creates a random gating effect, triggering volume between 2 adjustable values by a tempo-sync’d probability-based step sequencer. An LFO can modulate the volume when triggered and trigger pulse .....
sfilter creates a stepped filtered sequence, to create gating, sweeps or rhythmic modulation of filter cut-off. It uses a variable state filter, varying between 2 adjustable cut-off values according .....
boost is a dual-band, parallel compression effect that enhances your audio by boosting the lows and highs whilst still letting some of the original signal through to get a nice blend. Increase the .....
common settings. D2 can be heavy or subtle, razor quick or gentle, clean or dirty and is happy as an insert or buss compressor.
ring thing is a multi-flavour ring modulator, with frequency and mix level controlled by an XY pad and each axis modulated by it’s own tempo-sync LFO. The modulation in both axes is shown graphically .....
It’s good for fattening up leads and basses, adding some weight to pads, making your vocals chubby and your drums obese. This limited edition japanese import version comes with these instructions;
GTA is a vintage style ‘character’ compressor, designed like its muscle car name-sake for brute power, pure speed and to make a loud noise. It is stripped down for ease of use and has a unique vintage .....
QB3 is a vintage-style, 3-band EQ plug-in, with its own unique colouring and a few tricks up its sleeve. For each band you can adjust the centre frequency and gain. For the low and high shelving bands .....