
Hornet Plugins - Angle

Developer : Hornet Plugins 1625 0
Type : Plugin | OS : Win 64Bit, Mac 64Bit | Format : VST, VST3, AU
Tags : EQ, Gain, Peak Meter, Tilt EQ


Angle is a little handy tone shaper tool. It’s based on the concept of the “tilt eq” a special kind of equaliser designed to change the tonal balance of the track to which is applied.

A “tilt eq” does not provide frequency or Q control, it simply increases or decreases high and low frequencies around a fixed point, and in the case of HoRNet Angle is 650Hz, turning the “Angle” knob on the GUI towards right increases the right part of the spectrum (the high frequencies) while lowering the left part (low frequencies) of the same amount. This simple action allows to perform very gentle tonal shaping that can help you get the correct frequency balance of your mix with very little effort.

HoRNet Angle also adds the standard HoRNet goodies, we have added input and output auto gain based around the 0VU level, leaving them engaged may help you keep the level constant while you tweak the EQ. HoRNet Angle also has the “OpAmp” analog emulation derived directly from our AnalogStage plugin that adds harmonics and makes the sound “thicker” when enabled.

The best possible sound quality is always guaranteed by the auto-oversample feature that internally adjusts the oversampling amount to give the plugin enough bandwidth to keep the aliasing at a minimum with every sampling frequency.


  • Tilt EQ adjustable from -18dB to +18dB.
  • Input and output gain controls with auto-gain.
  • Input and output peak meters.
  • Analog emulation based on AnalogStage’s OpAmp model.
  • Bypass button to exclude the plugin processing.
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Hornet Plugins


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