We made Noisebud GranMa since we needed a fast and effective buffer scratch thing. GranMa will simply sample the source as soon you hit the rec button and play it back at the buffers location with the two scratch platters (the left one will only move the buffer position and the right one will try to pitchbend it’s way to the platters position). Remember that it will only sound when you move the platters, like a real deck with a broken motor,
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Here's 2 more plugins, vsts and aps from Noisebud
Noisebud Skyline is easy to use the multi-band image editor for mastering.
You can easily enhance or create depth in a track with the quick and easily accessible controls and you don’t have .....
Leaky2 will let you leak, move or replace part of the spectrum from the left, right, sum (mid), or difference (side) to a choice of the same. Leaky and Leaky2 were Initially made to handle phase cancellation .....