
Shattered Glass Audio - Code Red

Code Red


Code Red Free is inspired by a classic, all tube, British console form the late 60s. The original console was known for its EQ, bold and punchy character, and the warmth it imparted. The Beatles recorded most of their material using this, and other versions of this console. Easily recognized overdriven sound of the Beatles' Revolution was created by chaining two preamps from this console.

Shattered Glass Audio has gone to considerable lengths to find accurate information and reproduce the original EQ curves and accurately model the preamp.

Shattered Glass Audio


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Comments (1)

If you have tried this software leave some feedback for others.

ebarnes 30th Nov 2016 00:45 - 8 years ago
I have used this before and deleted it by accident. I'll never do that again. This plug-in is AMAZING!!!

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