
SuperFly Dsp - Flying Wahwah

Flying Wahwah


Automatic stereo Wahwah is a classic 70’s Wahwah effect. Modelled from state of art analog time-varying-filter. Our Flying-Wahwah offers you a sweet analog aliasing-free funky sound. Our free plugins offer you a triggered automatically ADSR envelope modulation source, you just have to adjust the trigger level then play. You could also use the two modulations waveforms.

Wah pedal is created in 60’s, the “wah” pedal shapes frequencies, creating a sound that mimics voice’s Formant. Mainly use in Funk and P-Funk music, on guitar, bass or Electric Piano like Rhodes and Wurlitzer. The anthem of the wah pedals would probably be the Shaft theme song, written by Isaac Hayes in 1971.

But before being used electronically, the « wah » is an effect produced mechanically on the brass (mainly by trumpeters and trombonists) in Jazz. The effect is achieved through a mute, held by the instrumentist, in front of the instrument’s pavilion. The musician acts on the position of the tube while playing, which allows him to filter the sound in an expressive way./p>


  • Stereo widening (since version 1.4a)
  • Host BPM Synchro
  • Fully automatable
  • SNR > 120dB
  • Aliasing <120dB>
  • No Oversampling nor downsampling
  • Glitch free
  • Vst3 preset saving standard
  • Low CPU usage
SuperFly Dsp


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