
Wusik - DRS0

Developer : Wusik 6229 1
Type : Instrument | OS : Win 64Bit | Format : Standalone, VST, VST3
Tags : Sequencer, Drum Synth


DRS0 is based on the Full Paid Wusik DRS1. The main differences are fewer tracks (4 compared to 8), fewer patterns (4 compared to 64), and fewer variations (2 compared to 4). Also, this version doesn't have a full-screen option, only one stereo output (compared to 8 outputs), and MIDI Channel is fixed to CH 10. You can also watch the Wusik DRS1 videos as both products share the same interface and options.


  • 4 Tracks + 1 Accent Track;
  • 32 steps + double steps for a total of 128 steps (using the AB variations);
  • 4 patterns with N loop and Next Pattern option (plus a go-to-previous-pattern option);
  • A B Variations;
  • Mirror Editing - allows both A B variations to be edited once;
  • Each track can load multiple audio sounds (wav, flac, ogg, mp3, WusikSound) with speed (pitch) and reverse option. Plus volume, pan, attack and decay;
  • Sounds can be triggered together or in Round Robin (circular) or Random (with a special code that doesn't play the same sound in a row);
  • When loading multiple sounds, you can adjust individually the Volume and Pan of each sound, plus Velocity Low and High;
  • MIDI Output selection per track (if your host/daw supports it) with note selection (Channel 10 only);
  • Includes a great selection of sound files (be sure to download the 400 meg selection here);
  • Clock Matrix allows swing to be added to the sequencer clock;
  • Multiple Sync options and Remote Pattern Selections;
  • Resizeable interface;
Video thumbnail


We don't host any software files here. The download button will take you to the Wusik website where you can download the software direct.

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Comments (1)

If you have tried this software leave some feedback for others.

Pegeen 18th Oct 2022 21:51 - 2 years ago
404 not found

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