This page shows only items tagged keyboard. View the full list of free music software
Toy Keyboard v3 is a free VST plugin instrument and sample library featuring the sound of the Yamaha PSR-78 home keyboard. All the sounds have been sampled and looped when appropriate.
.....999gen2 is the generation of the 999 rhythmic midi arpeggiator, with improved "ply" and "speed" features.
999gen2 VSTi creates no sound but triggers other VSTis that opened .....
Mel-Lofi is a free virtual instrument plugin (ROMpler) for digital audio workstations on Windows and macOS.
This virtual instrument is based on the Mellotron samples recorded .....
VLT LO-FI is a free instrument for Windows and Mac compatible with our QM Sounds player.
A Sound Bank created from recording a VL-Tone keyboard on a Cassette Tape Recorder from .....
Retro Cazio is a rompler based on an old toy keyboard from the 80s. All the sounds of the MT-100 have been sampled using high-end recording equipment. Released in 1983, the MT-100 .....
Crotalinae is a sampled Crotales cymbals (antique cymbals) containing 25 stereo samples from the University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios public domain library. Samples are gently .....
Yumbu 3 is slot driven drum sampler with lightning speed drum-kits loading and fast one stage control, fitted for live usage, with better control, both mp3 and wav. format support, .....
999 is actually a midi VSTi that creates no sound but triggers other VSTis that opened in the D.A.W. It can generate 999 seeded arpeggios which driven by **chords**. You can set a .....
T30-GP is a sampled Grand Piano.
It was sampled from a portable digital keyboard based on a Steinway Grand Piano. It was known for its good sound and great ability to cut through .....
Dub-SPL4 splits the incoming audio into 4 bands : Sub, Low, Medium & High frequencies.
It also includes LP & HP filters with dedicated controls to adapt their resonance.
.....Sequel has everything you need to make your ideas fly and shine in the best most possible way. Plus, it’s easy to use: recording and performing music is as intuitive as you would like .....
Majoris is a unique synth based arranger organ that can enhance creativity and help songwriters and composers to quickly compose new ideas and melodies. It emulates the automatic accompaniment organs .....
The Lo-Fi Keys VST is our free lofi piano VST. Inspired by today’s modern Lo-Fi music. This small VST gives you the ability to layout soft & dusty piano chord progressions and melodies.
.....Yumbu 2 (successor of Yumbu) is slot driven drum sampler. It based on our Boo Boom sampler and shares many components and structures with it, but on the other hand, it also brings .....
Versophone is the new virtual instrument for Kontakt 5. It is composed of 3 parts with typical sounds for this kind of instrument. Each part is driven by the keyboard red buttons. .....
Harmonéon is a virtual instrument created by Rossignol-Studio for Kontakt 5 by Native Instruments
The keyboard is split into two areas, two different sounds make up this instrument: .....
Stereo Flying-Tremolo generates analog feel Tremolo modulation. Stereo widening effect is achieved by panning the tremolo waveform. You can switch the Waveform to change the modulation from Triangle, .....
DRUMPER 2.5 has two internal sequencers and creates a rhythmic pattern by morphing between them. This rhythmic pattern simultaneously plays two drumsets, the sound of which can be processed and mixed .....
Attention! EnveLover is not actively being developed and may not work properly on modern computers and recent operating systems.
EnveLover is a one-of-a-kind midi-controlled audio gate effect. .....
We have described it as a semi-modular because you have a vast range of self-contained synth engines, Virtual Analog, Physical modelling, FM, and Bell tones (Ring mod) all routable via filters, Vector .....
We have labelled M8Rx as a weird noisemaker but that is probably not doing it justice. What you are presented with here are 16 independent oscillators which can be triggered in realtime by a sequencer .....
RMPx is a hybrid Physical Modelling and ensemble synth which has a great sound.
The Phys-mod section especially enjoys being played with a touch-sensitive keyboard and can conjure up very acoustic .....
1 Automap Automap Automap by Novation is a Virtual Instrument and a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and an Audio Plugin Host for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, .....
Record a monophonic sequence step by step and play it back in various modes.
Just click and go, no fancy amounts of parameters. Switch to (R)record, play note by note on your keyboard (64 max), .....
ProgAte is a MIDI processor/router, allowing you to control up to 8 synths with one MIDI keyboard.
ProgAte additionally features switching programs using one MIDI button, assignable to any controller .....
The Playtime VST Plugin is a VST plugin instrument for Windows & Mac. Playtime was developed by myself Daniel of @ReflektAudio and I created this vst plugin out of toys. As shown in my instagram video .....
Toy Keyboard is a free VST/VST3/AU plugin instrument and sample library featuring the sound of the Yamaha PSR-78 home keyboard. All the sounds have been sampled and looped when appropriate. To keep .....
Jumper is a new concept that performs a live purpose DAW's internal preset manager. It allows live performers to play with up to 16 VSTi instruments on stage or in live jams. By using your keyboard's .....
moot is a flexible audio mute plugin with a number of additional features. The mute switch (Hit Me) can be assigned to a single midi keyboard key and act in 3 ways
as a latch (one press mute, .....
Rez3 is a Resonator FX VST plugin, it offers a multi LFO with 6 different waveforms and an envelope follower to modulate tone, feedback, filter cutoff and filter resonance.
Further it provides .....
The U-NO-62 vst plugin is a polyphonic virtual analogue synth with a unique filter sound. An original JUNO 60 is used as reference for the oscillators and filters.
Like the original, the plugin .....
Crisalys is a software synthesizer characterized by a powerful audio engine which can work up to 192Khz. The three oscillators are driven by custom waveforms designed specifically to grant top quality .....