This page shows only items tagged Bass Processor.
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Substrate is a bass enhancer.
This effect device to give your bass sounds the right "boost". It will generate additional harmonics to the sound in the low end frequency range .....
Fazu is a distortion made for crushing basslines into a thick, filtered sludge. Featuring tonal and bias options that can open up into the roar of a lion or close off into the squeak .....
The bx_subfilter is a free plugin that borrows from the “Filter” section of its larger counterpart, the bx_subsynth. It’s the perfect plugin for anyone who loves the bx_subsynth’s .....
BassPlus is an enhancer for low frequencies. Intended for drums, but works on other signals too of course. It’s not a fixed EQ, but has a detector for lower frequencies and enhances them and/or adds .....
Bass Synthesizer with a double filter architecture allowing to create rich mid-range bass textures together with a solid sub-bass foundation. Also, vocal-like timbres can be easily created. Features .....
The B.O.D is emulating a well-known bass processing unit.
If you need a good bass-tone quick, try this one!