This page shows only items tagged Clipping.
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Magnus Lite is a robust and versatile brickwall limiter and clipper plugin crafted to facilitate the attainment of maximum loudness while preserving the clarity and integrity of your .....
KClip Zero Like its paid sibling, KClip 3, our first free plugin KClip Zero offers variable clipping curve, and internal oversampling, and can be used on masters, buses, and tracks .....
Initial Clipper is a free soft clipper plugin which prevents your audio signal from going above zero decibels. It does this by smoothing the peaks with soft clipping starting from .....
SpikeQ is a frequency based transient shaper.
As a distant cousin of Drum Snapper, it features the same attitude for increasing the Attack of a source but expands it with the .....
The bx_subfilter is a free plugin that borrows from the “Filter” section of its larger counterpart, the bx_subsynth. It’s the perfect plugin for anyone who loves the bx_subsynth’s .....
TinyDist Distortion pedal emulator with four stages of amplification/clipping in addition to input control of -12dB to +12dB. The input control is calibrated for a strong signal at .....
Apocrita is a 64-bit distortion and fuzz pedal emulator with one stage of amplification/clipping with feedback and optional second peak filters. This pedal emulation can produce very .....
The main purpose of DIABLO Lite is to enhance your drums and 808’s so they hit harder and cut through your mix.
For example, we’ve taken some of the softest sounding kick samples and ran them .....
M/Ster Balance is a plugin designed for fast results. It allows you to control the tone of the sound and the stereo field with only 4 knobs through an intelligent algorithm. It features a transparent .....
The Plusdistortion plug-in is an emulation of an MXR Distortion+. It has a wide range of distortion sounds from a little bit of dirt to a giant fuzz/crunch tone. It emulates the germanium diode clipping .....
SoftAmp GT is a virtual emulation of a well-known analog guitar amplifier simulator stomp-box. The prototype is a solid state circuit that uses op-amps to saturate the signal and moderate filtering .....
CharBooster is a composite overdrive effect tailored specifically to be used as booster in front of any virtual amplifier model. It essentially consists of a pre-emphasis filter section designed to .....
Flextron is a virtual-analog guitar amp made for KVR DC14. It's based on a concept of the hybrid guitar distortion pedal I've built for myself a while ago. The prototype pedal in its turn was based .....
SoftAmp PSA is a virtual-analogue guitar pre-amp supplemented with noise gate and compressor, all modeled after famous guitar gear that needs no introduction.
At its core there are 5 distortion .....
Crack is a workhorse of a plugin. It’s great on just one drum or for quickly adjusting a loop and is cheap on your CPU so you can load it up across all your tracks. Its other advantage .....
The limiter is a 'soft' limiter in that it does not provide 'brick-wall' limiting. The input signal can exceed the limiting threshold but usually no more than about 0.3 dB. Use the 'Clip' control to .....
A dedicated stereo/parallel compressor for those who know its work!
I won’t describe to you how it sounds, but I can say that it can be loud. I envision its place at the end of the signal chain as a mastering limiter, but I can also imagine it to handle individual .....
Sadly, most digital audio equipment only has peak meters. This is readily understandable as you want to avoid digital clippings by all means. However, badly chosen meter ranges and scales often render .....
Multi-band soft-clipper that shares layout and crossover network with SX36. Each frequency range has identical controls - clipping amount and bias, output gain and modulation. It's great for taming .....
SPAN is a real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer plug-in for professional music and audio production applications. For the most part it was derived from Voxengo GlissEQ dynamic .....
Plektron Comp4 is a 4-band compressor. Comp4 can work traditionally or in side-chaining mode, so to boost or suppress specific frequencies. This tool allows you to manipulate the dynamics of sound .....