This page shows only items tagged Modulator.
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The 'F1 Filter Box' is a very handy sculpturing tool, based on a powerful multi mode filter, modulator and a fast and easy GUI. It can be used on any content - drum loops, samples, synthetic .....
ring thing is a multi-flavour ring modulator, with frequency and mix level controlled by an XY pad and each axis modulated by it’s own tempo-sync LFO. The modulation in both axes is shown graphically .....
truc2 is a multi-effect plug-in with 4 different effect modules and two automated XY pads to modulate their levels and parameters. It is designed to add variation and movement, anywhere along the scale .....
Brzoza is a two operator mono FM synthesizer. Each operator has three, fixed route, modulators. modulation amount is controlled by the modulator's ADSR envelopes. A wide range of sounds and textures .....
SubsTractor is created on base of the popular Propellerhead Reason soft synthesizer SubTractor
MComb is an extremely powerful multi-comb filter plugin. Using its 2 extremely versatile modulators it becomes a powerful processor, which can follow a simple LFO, react to input levels, MIDI, input .....
MBandPass is a filter plugin containing high-pass and low-pass filters with slopes up to 120dB/oct. Using its 2 extremely versatile modulators it becomes a powerful filter, which can follow a simple .....
TAL-Bitcrusher is a common bitcrusher with some useful additions. There is a low- and highshelf EQ and a noise cross modulator included. Its maybe useful on drums, especially hats and for distorted .....
Expanded version of the Osiris synth
Sampler synth with modulation and parallel filters
Virtual analogue synth.
Virtual analogue synth.
Phase-distortion. Multi-segments modulator synth with multi-effects
Advanced modulating filter
IO is a of set several effects. These effects are driven by a sophisticated GUI envelope.
Default time value is in seconds. Duration is theoretically infinite So this envelope can run from 1 .....
Beatzille is a compact version of our monster modular synthesizer Bazille. Although the "little" brother with a condensed feature set, Beatzille remains a very capable and engaging synth. With the .....
Cryologic is a soundfont library and a soundfont player very simple and easy to use. The SF-Oscillators allows to layer up to three different sounds with separate controls for level, pan, and octave .....
Crisalys is a software synthesizer characterized by a powerful audio engine which can work up to 192Khz. The three oscillators are driven by custom waveforms designed specifically to grant top quality .....
A brand new FREE VSTi from the makers of Dubturbo. Samploid 2 is released FREE as a showcase for what is coming in the soon to be released Dubturbo DAW
Invader by e-phonic is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin.
Retro Delay is a flexible all round delay effect in VST format.
It has the character and sound of a vintage delay unit but features many modern options.
Besides delays, .....
NastyDLA is a classic chorus echo device with tape-delay simulation.
AL-NoiseMaker is an improved version of TAL-Elek7ro and has a completely new synth engine and a lot of improvements in sound and usability. The synth also includes a small effect section with a reverb, .....