This page shows only items tagged Physical Modelling.
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Rift Feedback Lite, a flexible effects processor taken from our flagship plugin, Rift.
Melodic effects with unbounded creativity. Tune the physical modeling feedback to the key .....
Excite Snare features ultra-realistic sound through physical modeling algorithms. The algorithms are tuned by ear to resemble snare drums of different sizes, different tip hardnesses, .....
Ticky ClavBack is by popular demand comes another remastered virtual instrument by Big Tick Audio. This time it's Ticky Clav, quite possibly the first virtual instrument that used .....
SnareBuzz is a free audio plugin that simulates the sympathetic resonances produced by the wires of a snare drum when another sound source is playing near.
Use it as a psycho-acoustic effect .....
Bring some groovy, bassy vibes back from the ‘60s and straight into your music with our faithful emulation of one of the first monophonic string bass simulators, the Rheem Kee Bass.
Our Kee .....
M-theory is a hybrid synth that is built around the Karplus-Strong physical modelling technique and uses samples, VA oscillators, and noise to drive the delay based oscillator, resulting in a very .....
We have described it as a semi-modular because you have a vast range of self-contained synth engines, Virtual Analog, Physical modelling, FM, and Bell tones (Ring mod) all routable via filters, Vector .....
RMPx is a hybrid Physical Modelling and ensemble synth which has a great sound.
The Phys-mod section especially enjoys being played with a touch-sensitive keyboard and can conjure up very acoustic .....
CHOW Tape is an analog tape machine physical model, originally based on the Sony TC-260. The current version can be used to emulate a wide variety of reel-to-reel tape machines. The physical modelling .....
CHOW Tape is an analog tape machine physical model, originally based on the Sony TC-260. The current version can be used to emulate a wide variety of reel-to-reel tape machines. The physical modelling .....
The sound of the famous vintage string ensembles:
No samples inside! After nearly two years of development, we were presenting this physical modelling recreation of the electronic strings sound .....
Phymo is a small physical modelling synth, emulating the sound of a plucked string.
Easy to use, yet versatile; from harp to guitar sounds or even clavinet - all done without .....
Kruud VSTI is a simple LOFI Hybrid Synthesizer. Most useful for chip sounds.
Kruudster is a free Hybrid Synthesizer VST instrument plug-in for Windows with drawable low-resolution waveforms
Funxion VSTI is a Hybrid Synthesizer with user-definable functions for waveforms and distortion.