Here is our collection of FREE Guitar Synth software, VST plugins, VSTi instruments, audio utilities and DAWs. Should you know of anything that we have not listed here let us know.
Solaris GTR Lite is a FREE virtual instrument that gives you awesome electric guitar sounds for your music creations. You can use it for Lo-Fi, Ambient, Chillout, Downtempo, Relaxing .....
luapselREVGUITAR is a couple sampling of an American Classic. Electric Guitar meticulously multi-sampled in Round Robin and reversed in the most transparent way possible to offer your .....
Clean Electric Guitar is a sampled-based plugin made to be used as a source for virtual guitar amps and effect racks. Two electric guitars have been sampled note by note and tuned .....
PlastikGuitar is a small guitar instrument is based on samples captured by Quartertone from a Yamaha Eterna classical acoustic guitar. During the recording session, he used a CAD E100 .....
Sienna Bass is an acoustic bass plugin created by our friend, Redjoy Reza, using the Maize Sampler. Redjoy Reza recorded his acoustic bass in his studio and hope to share its sound .....
Haunted Guitar Lite is a Free VST/VST3/AU instrument created with a multi-sampled Fender Stratocaster Plus Deluxe Electric Guitar, each preset contains 28 samples processed with various .....
Reflekt Audio and Eumonik have worked together to bring you guys to bring music makers across the globe a 100% FREE vst plugin we like to call the “YoJo”. The YoJo is a free virtual banjo instrument .....
Classic.Gtr Lite is a free multi-sampled classical guitar plugin for Windows and Mac available in VST/VST3/AU formats.
The original samples were recorded from a basic guitar at 24 bit 96khz, .....
Strum soundfonts (.sf2) and other VST instruments with this improved edition of Strummer 3. You can directly load any guitar library in .sf2 format or connect to another VSTi via MIDI-out. Use dedicated .....
The Ample Guitar M Lite II is a free version of Ample Sounds amazing AGM guitar simulator. A wonderful emulation of the Martin D-41 acoustic guitar.