Archived Users Or Content
Why are some users or uploads showing as archived?
Users and their uploaded content may be marked as 'archived' when we update our website or terms of service, or when accounts remain inactive for an extended period. Content remains archived until users log back in and accept any updated terms and conditions.
How do I reactivate my archived account?
Simply log in to your account and follow the on-screen instructions to reactivate it. Once completed, all your content will be accessible again.
What if I find an archived user's profile?
If you notice a user's account is archived, you may want to contact them through alternative means to inform them about their account status.
Can archived content be accessed?
No, archived content cannot be played or downloaded until the account owner reactivates their account.
What is the long-term policy for archived content?
Content that remains archived for an extended period may be permanently removed at our discretion.
Why do we implement content archiving?
We archive content for several important reasons:
- To maintain optimal site performance by managing database size
- To provide better visibility for active users in search results
- To reduce storage costs associated with inactive accounts
- To maintain up-to-date user contact information