Help With Tracks
How do I upload a track?
Everyone can upload a maximum of 50 tracks, but there are a few things you need to do first.
- Upload an avatar: Click here to do that
- Fill out your profile: Click here to do that
- Read the track upload guidelines
After completing these steps, click the Upload Track link in the sub-navigation bar in the tracks section.
Tracks must be saved as 16-bit 44kHz MP3 files, must not exceed 10MB, and not contain any copyright material.
At the moment, track uploads are limited to one track per 24 hours, so make sure you upload a good one.
What tracks are we allowed to upload?
For a full explanation on uploading, downloading and the use of tracks, please refer to our terms & conditions
How do I edit or delete a track?
To edit a track, click the edit icon located in the footer of each track that belongs to you. To delete a track, click the edit icon and then click the 'Delete' link at the top of the edit form.
Why are track uploads limited to one per 24 hours?
As looperman is not a track hosting site such as SoundCloud, and to prevent people flooding the site with tracks, we decided to limit track uploads to one track every 24 hours. For example, if you upload a track at 11 AM, you won't be able to upload another until 11 AM the next day. The aim here is to encourage people to upload tracks that are worth sharing rather than something they spent 10 minutes on.
Why has my track been suspended?
If your track got suspended the chances are that it was found to contain copyright material or was in some way in breach of the terms & conditions. In most cases, you should find a note attached to your track explaining what happened.
How can I set the order of my tracks on my profile?
When you upload a track you should see the "order" field where you can enter a number which can be used to order the tracks on your profile page. Lower numbers appear first and larger numbers later.
How does the featured tracks feature work?
We set up the option to mark a track as featured as a way to help you get a certain track noticed over and above the rest.
You can only set one track to featured and so to make life easier when you upload or edit a track and set it to featured we will automatically set all your other tracks to not featured.
In order to have your featured track appear on the featured tracks page, you must also have left a comment on another user's track at some point in the past 72 hours (3 days). The idea here is that you get rewarded for being an active part of the community.
The tracks shown on the featured tracks page are updated once every 10 minutes based on the above, and on each page load, we order the tracks by the date of your last comment. Thus, the last person to leave a comment on another user's track will have their featured track shown at the top of the list.
Are the tracks copyright free?
All media uploaded to the tracks section remains copyright to the original creator of the files.
For a full explanation on uploading/downloading and use of tracks, please refer to our terms & conditions
Some users uploads are missing or showing as archived. What does this mean?
Occasionally, when we update our website, the terms, our policies, or when a user is inactive for a long time, we may set the user and their uploaded content as 'archived' until the owner of that content logs back into their account.
For more information on archived content please see the dedicated archived content faq