This free 163 bpm hip hop bagpipe loop has been kindly uploaded by jdorito for your commercial and non-commercial use on a royalty free basis (subject to our terms and conditions).
For details on how you can use any loops and samples (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of loops), please see the loops section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this file, please contact jdorito. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
I hope you enjoy! Thank you for the Loop!
I don't know what it is about this loop, but I'm lovin' it! "FUBAR" is the tune I created with your loop. This song has a Multiple genre influence: a Relaxed Jazzy, Downtempo/World tune with a touch of middle eastern flavor. THANK YOU for the funky loop!! To save from a dead link I am sending my songlist for soundcloud. As of this posting it' s a work in progress. (7/10/2020 7:05pm Pacific Time) Hoping to have done soon and it'l be a free download!
but ya know
yeah it aint good
(skip like 20 sec in i kept the loop in cause reasons)
thanks for the melody, it goes hard asf