21st Nov 2019 16:35 - 5 years ago
Description : The originally envisaged loop was unfortunately not accepted complete and I became blocked. So I had to split it. You can find the other components in my profile. Just put them together.
In interaction the W in the beginning started before the first beat. Without it the message wasn’t understandable. So I had to chop it in the end. Now I placed importance on as much as possible waveform. Accordingly tightness has to be corrected marginally.
Sample S.: Musicradar FVS & Ghosthack FFV (both free)

Comments (3)

If you have used this loop leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the track you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more loops.

IMPARABEL 20th Oct 2020 20:37 - 4 years ago
This loop is really awesome bro! Worked a while on a song with it, heres the spotify link if you wanna hear what i made out of it :)
MisterHippo 23rd Feb 2020 18:58 - 5 years ago

You might also like these loops

If you liked Welcome To Reality a Vocals by FJX you might also like these other 64 bpm, Vocal loops and samples in the key of Bm. These loops should mix well together.

8th Jan 2020 22:11 - 5 years ago
Description : I have been making more experimental stuff, would love to hear what you do with this. Please reply with your track :)