23rd Nov 2009 15:11 - 15 years ago
Description : rakia bass

Comments (9)

If you have used this loop leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the track you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more loops.

Lakiz 24th Oct 2022 13:24 - 2 years ago
Great piece of work , Thanks
redsmyth 9th Aug 2020 02:19 - 4 years ago
Hi! I have used your track at:
Many thanks for sharing. Gr., Red.
adamang 1st Jul 2015 22:45 - 9 years ago
"by the way that track sucks"~
LOL, you don't say, it doesn't seem to be "original mix" either :I

Anyway, no problem at all, glad to be of help, it's the least i could do, to give something back to this site and it's community, and making tracks is not one of my best skills apparently so i can't upload any (that's why i'm here in the first place, LOL)

I'll check those other samples for sure!
and I'll give words the next time i use any of your other works here, i would certainly need some comments and suggestions anyway 'cause i'm still pretty bad at it.

highz replied 1st Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Just keep working bro and don't be discouraged...your time will come. If you like production, don't give up ;)

I haven't uploaded nothing here for more than 5 years, think it's time to refresh page a little :)

Feedbacks from other people are very if you have any "problems"...feel free to ask.

All the best
adamang 1st Jul 2015 20:10 - 9 years ago
Just posted a video on youtube using this loop, and got copyright warning.

i check the song which youtube said was copyrighted
The song was released on 2014-06-27 (years after you uploaded this loop)

I don't know but i think you might be very interested in checking it out, because the later part of the song sounds too similar with this loop to put it lightly.
highz replied 1st Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for comments bro.

This loop supposed to be royalty free, don't know how someone can take credits for it...but bitches did it anyway.

I have listened the track you showed me, to be honest i don't know what can i do about it...i can hear it at the end of the the way that track sucks.

Thank you for your reply my friend.

If you need more samples you can check out 2 sample packs i made for dboxsamples.
adamang 1st Jul 2015 18:43 - 9 years ago
Great work friend!

tomdavies91 21st Jan 2013 13:50 - 11 years ago
WaPer 10th May 2010 09:58 - 14 years ago
sad da li je tvoj ili nije, al se secam da sam ga skinuo od tebe :)
u svakom slucaju mi je pomogao jer mi fl neradi (izgleda da sam dobio los krek uz njega :S) pa nemogu sam nesto napraviti.
silom prilika sam prinudjen da koristim tudje lupove i da ih kombinujem pa ispada kako ispada
hvala ti na kritici ;) :D
pozz pa se slusamo
WaPer 7th May 2010 13:54 - 14 years ago
ovaj loop je koristen u ovoj pesmi:

hvala ti na tome :) ;)
highz replied Unknown
Uz duzno postovanje, taj loop nije moj :D

Super bratori sto ti je bio od koristi

Hvala za download :)

Preslusao sam stvar...extra postujem...

Larrision 14th Jan 2010 12:46 - 14 years ago
nice bass thanks

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13th Jul 2010 11:12 - 14 years ago
Description : I used a Proton Bass resampled multi layered synth bass for this. Not too funky with the portamento. Recorded into Propellerhead Record and eq'ed and compressed a bit in the mix console.