This free 96 bpm hip hop scratch loop has been kindly uploaded by FJX for your commercial and non-commercial use on a royalty free basis (subject to our terms and conditions).
For details on how you can use any loops and samples (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of loops), please see the loops section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you have any questions about this file, please contact FJX. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
If you have used this loop leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the track you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more loops.
If you liked Scratch Skillz 17 by FJX you might also like these other 96 bpm, Scratch loops and samples .
(not sure my why link didn't show up on my first comment but here you go!)
used your scratches starting around the 2:00 mark. thanks, man; best scratch samples on Looperman
its been so nice
Ich hätte bei diesem Titel mehr Kritik an Schulsystem und Erziehungsberechtigten bzw. deren Abstimmung miteinander erwartet. Man könnte erwähnen, dass sich Eltern bei der Erziehung zu sehr auf Lehrer verlassen, die sich dessen meistens gar nicht bewusst sind. Weil Viele, die Orientierung vermissen, überhaupt nicht ahnen, dass der Grund dafür mangelnde Beziehung zu Mutter und Vater ist.
thaank you