22nd Nov 2010 20:19 - 14 years ago
Description : If you guys like this loop I'll make more in the next few days. Enjoy!

Comments (3)

If you have used this loop leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the track you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more loops.

chriscarter 15th Nov 2011 09:37 - 13 years ago
ey man i told maself i'll b outa music 4 a while but this piece forces me to go back to work lol nyc stuff...
djgraehulc replied 20th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
I'm glad you're coming back my friend. I'll try to make more since you like this. "Keep'em comin & Keep'em movin".
LarzCreative 24th Nov 2010 22:54 - 14 years ago
I like your style. Can you make more in a higher bpm? Most of my tracks are between 80-140bpm.
Sugafries 23rd Nov 2010 22:02 - 14 years ago
Yeah dude i like it! It would sound good if there where more loops that went with allowing me to make an instrumental of it. Please put more!