7th Dec 2013 20:23 - 11 years ago
Description : This is a fun stereo effect, which I don't really remember how I made. Could be useful in lots of genres like trance, glitch, breakbeat, techno, dubstep or related genres.

Comments (5)

If you have used this loop leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the track you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more loops.

Guydudeman 12th Dec 2013 23:30 - 11 years ago
Lol well I actually find this and the other 2 like it to be some of your best loops along with the spiehlur or w/e it's called. When I come on loop I want things I couldn't have easily made by myself or something super unique to spark my creativity. this loop definitely fits in those catagories
Spivkurl replied 13th Dec 2013 - 11 years ago
Hey thanks for the support! I try to make some loops which are in that category, which people might not be able to make themselves like analog and frequency modulation, as well as some loops that are more basic building blocks. It seems like each sort of loop attracts different sorts of artists. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment!
DubTek 12th Dec 2013 21:49 - 11 years ago
"If I did kill someone I'd kill you"

Spivkurl replied 12th Dec 2013 - 11 years ago
Ha ha! It's a quote from a song of my band Iris-T-Shirt. It seemed appropriate.
StaticNomad 12th Dec 2013 05:13 - 11 years ago
I did actually listen to quite a few of them but they're not my sort of thing. And I hardly use loops anyway - just drum ones from time to time. Will need to get some good jungle/breakbeat ones at some point though as I have a funk bass/Hendrix rock turns into heavy breakbeat jungle track plan for when I can find the time.

Never heard anything like what I'm planning but don't have the breakbeat drums though guess I could download loads of them when necessary. I'd prefer to program them up myself using acoustic kits but not sure I can get the sound I want that way. We'll see.
Spivkurl replied 12th Dec 2013 - 11 years ago
I know that in general we create quite different types of music, so it's understandable that these loops wouldn't do it for you. Freesound seems to have quite a few acoustic drum samples of varying quality and format. Of course a lot of them need work before they loop properly. They have quite a few one shots too, which is something Looperman no longer has. Thanks for listening all the same! Take care!
StaticNomad 12th Dec 2013 00:28 - 11 years ago
Yeah - Spivkurl. You need to get your shit back from those 48 people (so far) with terrible taste who've downloaded your shit. Tell them someone's made you see the light and you now know your loops are shit so you're taking them back and are going to bury them in landfill so that no one can be offended by them.
Spivkurl replied 12th Dec 2013 - 11 years ago
Nice one! I'm over it now, but I lost some sleep... I tired hard on this upload with all the fine tuning and testing and stuff. Thanks for checking out my loops!
shab 11th Dec 2013 01:22 - 11 years ago
Stop flooding looperman with your SHIT!
Spivkurl replied 11th Dec 2013 - 11 years ago
You've got some nerve posting a comment like this. But I'm taking it as a compliment that it is your FIRST AND ONLY comment in two years of being a member. The only comment whether it be tracks or loops. I've never killed anyone but if I did then I'd be a killer, If I did kill someone I'd kill you, probably. At least I have loops too offer, whereas you have nothing. What good are you?

You might also like these loops

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4th Jan 2021 10:35 - 4 years ago
Description : A deathstep loop for you.
Sounds great with other "Resurrection" loops.
Enjoy! :D
30th Oct 2021 10:20 - 3 years ago
Description : for the vibe
20th Nov 2023 12:14 - 1 year ago
Description : noise noise noise, can be used as a build up loop, or as a normal riser, good with drum loops too, dark trap
23rd Jul 2011 12:57 - 13 years ago
Description : This fx loop sounds really awesome when layered to my Hard Essential Breakbeat loop.
Though, You can use it for anything of course...
28th Sep 2019 16:36 - 5 years ago
Description : Some of these aren't buttons but whatever
25th Apr 2023 08:19 - 1 year ago
Description : Travis Scott X Mike Dean Type Loop

Make sure to comment what you make I'll definitely give it a listen.

If you want more loops, the stems to all of my loops, or to collab all of that is available on my profile
Click my picture

Don Toliver, Travis Scott, Mike Dean, Trap, WondaGurlTravis Scott X Mike Dean Type Loop
15th Feb 2023 15:24 - 2 years ago
Description : Thank you so much for subscribing to my youtube channel :)
11th Nov 2023 08:03 - 1 year ago
Description : Today I have recorded everything through the Roland Space-D effect. I have added overdrive and tape saturation to most loops as well. This means you will want to filter out some frequencies to get these to sit in the mix. Have fun!