5th Nov 2015 03:11 - 9 years ago
Description : Originally I wanted to create a Indian Rhythm loop but I missed the melodic part. So I combined the Rhythm with a plucking Technique which is called Bol or bols like da dire dire dire or da-re da-re da and the Technique of Gamaka which means the shaking of notes, an important part of ornamentation in Indian classical music to express emotions.
I have chosen this scale: C D F G A B flat in Indian Notation: Sa Re Ma Pa Dha ni
Live recorded with my new Tascam DR 100, I used more MIC GAIN to get better power and tone quality.

Comments (11)

If you have used this loop leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the track you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more loops.

meowingtons33 1st Apr 2018 02:08 - 6 years ago
djProgue 16th Oct 2017 20:27 - 7 years ago
Here is my track using this sample. If you like it then you can purchase it on Bandcamp by following the provided link below:

Buy it on:
kelvenconrado 22nd Nov 2016 23:03 - 8 years ago
Friend, nice loop! there;s my job. I hope you enjoy :)
jensmuse replied 24th Nov 2016 - 8 years ago
Listened to your new creation on soundcloud, sone of the sounds I have never heard before because I do not listen to this kind of "noise" if I would call it. But there are people who seem to have fun with this energetic din.
About my loops I suggest that you try to get smooth transitions from, that would sound better to get a flow and not so abruptly. The main thins is that you had fun in doing it!! Regards Jens
Aniketos 5th Oct 2016 10:35 - 8 years ago
Hey ! I used your sample in one of my songs, check it out in soundcloud :

Thanks again for your work !!
jensmuse replied 7th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Aniketos, Merci beucoup for this track on soundcloud.
I enjoyed to listen to it. It's on of the best tracks how you worked successful and intelligent with a loop. Good arrangement and creative Idea, it is a pleasure how you enriched the sound of my Sarod playing. You found the right mood and character for this kind of music.
Keep it up and continue in this manner.
Aniketos is a greek name. I have seen from your profile that you live in France. Are you Greek?
Regards from jensmuse
djProgue 8th Aug 2016 14:09 - 8 years ago
hey jrod... interesting sample and thank you for uploading. Will leave a link of my track pretty soon.
JROD377 12th Jun 2016 21:23 - 8 years ago
on my post about the trap song i didn't post the video or i didn't make the song i was just scrolling threw loops and found this and it sounded similar to the song and i just wanted to inform you about the the song XD but if i ever do use your loops i'l make sure to give you credit.. ; )
JROD377 12th Jun 2016 20:20 - 8 years ago
aye this was used in a trap song : ) >>>
jensmuse replied 12th Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Hi JROD, would be fair to give credit to the creator of the melodic part of the Sarod, That was me. Especially it you publish it on youtube. Alsp the source Looperman was not mentioned.
Regards Jens Egert Looperman Name:jensmuse
spinge8 6th Feb 2016 03:25 - 9 years ago
Thanks for the great loop! Used it here:

See it with the video here:
Vuslat 10th Dec 2015 04:57 - 9 years ago
Hi buddy,I discovered you new.
I want to know you.
Do you have a social media account I can reach you?
Seba99 11th Nov 2015 19:49 - 9 years ago
ok, i got it now, and btw, your loops are awesome :), good luck :D
Seba99 11th Nov 2015 16:24 - 9 years ago
listen to this maybe this is the soung you forgot :). tell me if this is
jensmuse replied 11th Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Hi Seba, I listened to the music from youtube. I am sure this Instrument is called Rabab, which is played in Afghanistan.
In my loop I play on the indian string instument SAROD which is played with metal Strings which provides a brighter, metallic sound. The Rabab is a furher development of the Sarod. The Rabab uses gut Strings and sounds much softer and the pitch is lower than the sarod.
I found a good recording on youtube, so you get an impression how it looks like and about the sound and how it is played. Even a teenager like you is playing the Rabab.

Rabab is a lute-like musical instrument originating from central Afghanistan It derives its name from the Arab rebab which means "played with a bow" but in Central Asia the instrument is plucked and is distinctly different in construction. The rubab is mainly used by Pashtun, Tajik, Turkish, Kashmiri, Baluch and Iranian Kurdish classical musicians. Rabab is a national music instrument of Afghanistan.