Description : This song is a liitle bit of blues, Vaudeville with some jazz chords. It's a serious joke. My cousin and me gettin fatter and fatter. Living in a rich country with plenty of food becomes a problem of luxery while other people die of hunger.
Recorded as simple as possible. A shuffle drumloop, one aucoustic and bass guitar, some fat thighs and a harp.
My cousin is singing.
This blues track was uploaded by meestege. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (9)
If you have time take a listen and give meestege some feedback.
I love this song.... It's witty and honest, this is also reflected in the stripped back instruments (what more was needed? nothing! It's perfect). Great lyrics and playing all round...
Thank you Slap
What started as a joke seems to be our biggest hit on Looperman. This was just done in one evening. With other songs we spent a lot of time on the sound and the mix. Sometimes the best way is to keep it easy.
I love it. I've done a couple of funny ones myself. 1 about food too. And I love the blues. Great harp and slap too. When I look down I don't see my. Awsome a really fun song.
Thanks Blair,
It started as a joke but now it is the best reviewed track we have uploaded. I've met musicians who say blues is too easy for me. I don't agree, it's hard to compose a song with fresh idea's and it's a great feeling if it works.
Hi Meestege,
Well, I liked the song here too. It kinda fits me as I am too fat myself. As you get older, it seems to come on easier and hard to get rid of. I liked the Harmonica part in the song in particular. I can't seem to find any loop disk with Harmonica on them.
I suppose a person could make some money selling one if they made one up and offered it from one of the bigger companies. You'd need about 600-800+ different short .wav files with different parts of riffs, fast and slow endings, and in different keys and tempo's...etc. Takes a lot of time and work!
Anyways, the above is off the subject...but just a thought since I don't hear the instrument anywhere else. Good job on the song.
Thanks Randall,
To us it's so normal my cousin plays that bluesharp. I realize that you want this on your recordings too. I never looked for that kind of loops. But if you have a recorded song that's in the standard tuning (A=440) then my cousin will play it for you, I'm sure.
Thanks Splish
Funny enough we've wrote the lyrics in a split second. Getting fat is really a problem. When we have a funeral we say the family is getting smaller but every time we need more space to watch, ha, ha, ha.
great great great!!!
I love it ... it's so cool ...
perfect playing, a lot of blues feeling in it, and that means that you have a lot of experience cause it's not easy to get it ...
pure fun to listen ... brilliant work!
Thanks Rei
From the age of twelth we are real bluesmen. In the sixties black blues came to Europe and we never lost it. Last year we left "The Ramshackle Bluesband". We played for 8 years with this band so you can say we have experience. Although to play blues is one thing, to compose with a orignal touch is difficult. We like other music too but every time blues is coming back.
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This could be classed as Country Blues or Southern Rock...either way I think it may get your toes tapping. So grab your partner and jump on the dance floor with this one.
I am performing the following instruments...vocals, electric guitars, slide acoustic, bass, harmonica, organ. I wrote the following instrument parts in MIDI....drums, percussion, piano, horns. This was a beast to master but I think it turned out okay.
No loops used.
Description : UPDATE 26/01/2014: Improved loads of things in what is probably my greatest chillout alternative blues piece. Ambient, ethereal, groove-based delta slide blues. Contemplative and melodic. Multiple, layered , sometimes shimmering resonator guitar parts with solid, warm synth bass, an ethereal bed of pads (which are actually guitars) and second electronic drumkit to contrast the acoustic kits. I thought this was perfect a few years ago but it wasn't (and still isn't). Now has clearer drums and lots of small awkward bits of guitar have been trimmed. Quite a minimalistic and short piece for me - I don't just keep bringing in new instruments, as I usually do. This should really chill you out...
Cheers Slap...
What started as a joke seems to be our biggest hit on Looperman. This was just done in one evening. With other songs we spent a lot of time on the sound and the mix. Sometimes the best way is to keep it easy.
Make me laugh some times, it would be cool if you could post the lyrics
It started as a joke but now it is the best reviewed track we have uploaded. I've met musicians who say blues is too easy for me. I don't agree, it's hard to compose a song with fresh idea's and it's a great feeling if it works.
Well, I liked the song here too. It kinda fits me as I am too fat myself. As you get older, it seems to come on easier and hard to get rid of. I liked the Harmonica part in the song in particular. I can't seem to find any loop disk with Harmonica on them.
I suppose a person could make some money selling one if they made one up and offered it from one of the bigger companies. You'd need about 600-800+ different short .wav files with different parts of riffs, fast and slow endings, and in different keys and tempo's...etc. Takes a lot of time and work!
Anyways, the above is off the subject...but just a thought since I don't hear the instrument anywhere else. Good job on the song.
To us it's so normal my cousin plays that bluesharp. I realize that you want this on your recordings too. I never looked for that kind of loops. But if you have a recorded song that's in the standard tuning (A=440) then my cousin will play it for you, I'm sure.
< < Favourited > >
Funny enough we've wrote the lyrics in a split second. Getting fat is really a problem. When we have a funeral we say the family is getting smaller but every time we need more space to watch, ha, ha, ha.
I love it ... it's so cool ...
perfect playing, a lot of blues feeling in it, and that means that you have a lot of experience cause it's not easy to get it ...
pure fun to listen ... brilliant work!
peace, rei
From the age of twelth we are real bluesmen. In the sixties black blues came to Europe and we never lost it. Last year we left "The Ramshackle Bluesband". We played for 8 years with this band so you can say we have experience. Although to play blues is one thing, to compose with a orignal touch is difficult. We like other music too but every time blues is coming back.