This one may be pushing the weirdness envelope a little too much, if it sounds broken and defective in some spots, it's because it's supposed to!
I will be refining, remixing, and rehashing this one from time to time, so all suggestions are welcome!
Made without using a single loop, just Reason 5 softsynths and a MIDI keyboard... and tons of automation, lol.
This electronic track was uploaded by Koukotsu. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (13)
If you have time take a listen and give Koukotsu some feedback.
Hey! Where the hell have you been? I must have just missed ya until now.
Anyway, Liking the new material. Nice ringing noises and in a way reminds me a little of Sasha. This would go down well in a prog house set.
FR (AKA Nick-Q)
This is a very good track! I love the interplay between the synths! Your arrangement and automation is awesome! I like the part where everything sounds far away, that's really creative! This is actually pretty danceable! Faved for sure! It's really good to have you back!
I can never get enough automation! I really wanted to capture that "noisy neighbor blasting annoying music really loudly" sound on those far away parts, lol.
Thanks a bunch for the review, I'll be working on that remix in my spare time this week, hopefully it won't disappoint!
ahhhhh for such a dark title, this track
is RELAXING... my kind of song...
luv tha drum work and tha SYNTH WORK IS
AWESOME... luv all tha automation going on
too, seems like a LOT of work was put into
this track... i ENJOYED EVERY MOMENT...
Wow, this feels like the old days on the loop, haven't seen Frenchkid around these parts for a long while and there he is checking you out! that dude.
Another tough sound from you..beautiful and uplifting techno fusions, you really have grabbed a sound of your own, dig the drops into the basement and how the track creeps on you, really feel it crawl up my skin, love your style...had to listen more than once and download, really is feel good music, good for the benevolent.
Yep, it's still the same old Looperman I know and love, without a doubt!
I have this strange obsession with making music that can somehow be 2 things at once... like hard/soft songs, things like that, lol.
And yeah, originality has always been one of my most important goals; There are thousands of Tiesto wannabe's out there, but only one Koukotsu! (I hope, anyway, lol.) You do quite an excellent job when it comes to delivering new and exciting sounds as well!
Thanks a bunch for reviewing, it makes me feel good to know that my music is feel good music!
Very nice track you have here!From the very start I can hear Koukotsu's magic touch,layers of keys & marshmallow wrapping.It sometimes makes me think of a French group called Daft Punk but your music is "dreamier".
Don't stop the coffee!
Well Koukotsu from the middle of nowhere, The Darkest Depths of Heck is a sound that is definitely coming from somewhere, I'm not sure what type of refinements that you have in store for this jam but to me it sound great as is!!!!!
Sounds dark! lol
It has the Koukotsu flavor in it, but it was bathed in darkness of heck.
Cute title, I like it that you said heck instead of the other word.
Can't wait for your next song, which means hurry up lady! I'm waiting!
-Miss Shojo
Thank you! I actually have no idea how I came up with that title, I just used the first thing that came to mind, lol.
I'm a bit busier than usual these days, but I should have a new song ready real soon! I have so many just sitting around, half-finished, so maybe it's medley time again! Or I could just stop being so lazy and finish a track!
Thanks a bunch for the review, I'll get busy soon! Have a great evening Miss Shojo!
Thank you very much, I appreciate it! I do my best to create electronic tracks with a very different kind of sound than what most people are used to. (Without being too strange, lol.)
It's been great to listen to how your music has evolved since I last heard a track by you! I wondered where you had dissapeared to! Straight away I can hear this as a Koukotsu track. You definately have a certain characteristic. Very interesting all the way through. I wish I knew where you get your ideas from. Seems to me you have become a pro at Reason automation too! Gives it that interesting unique overall sound. Fantastic work.
I'm so glad to see you are still hanging around here!
I just needed a bit of a sabbatical to get away from the madness for a while, lol. Hopefully I've grown up some since then!
Where do I get my ideas from? Tons of coffee and tea may be a factor, lol.
And you know I'm coming to hear what you've been up to while I've been away, I'm a big fan of your style and I still have Nocturnal Groove in rotation on my Ipod to this day, lol!
Ha ha, thanks! I just decided that the overall sound wasn't dark enough to warrant the use of the word "Hell" so heck it is, lol.
...and yeah I can definitely use that bit of advice, I do believe I will go back and rearrange things so that the harder part is more in the middle of the song!
I will definitely come check you out soon, I just have to get this little project wrapped up real quick.
Thanks for the review!
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was going for a darkwave/synthwave sound, reminiscent of Justice, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, ect.
Looking for some feed back, constructive criticisms or even just your thoughts if you liked it or not. This is just a rough cut on this current WIP, just the bones of it if you will.. If you have some cool title suggestions, would love to hear those too.
Thanks for listening.
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It's still a work in progress, so i would appreciate your honest inputs. Thanks to all those whose loops I have used in here, sorry I don't have time to search them out.
Edit-added some more filthy sounds from my previous tracks and gave it some ending. Advice will be helpful.
Anyway, Liking the new material. Nice ringing noises and in a way reminds me a little of Sasha. This would go down well in a prog house set.
FR (AKA Nick-Q)
I honestly don't hang out quite as much as I used to, I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to this new layout, you know?
But, I have new songs in the works and there really isn't a better place than this to share them in spite of all the changes!
I've never really listened to Sasha but you've got me interested! I'll have to check him out soon.
Thanks for listening and letting me know your new name, I would have never found you otherwise!
Thanks a bunch for the review, I'll be working on that remix in my spare time this week, hopefully it won't disappoint!
I have a bad habit of using inappropriate song titles, lol!
is RELAXING... my kind of song...
luv tha drum work and tha SYNTH WORK IS
AWESOME... luv all tha automation going on
too, seems like a LOT of work was put into
this track... i ENJOYED EVERY MOMENT...
everytime i hear your synth work imma blown away!
Much Respect from LA
Strangely enough, I didn't really put much effort into this one, lol! It's the ones that I try too hard on that turn out sounding like crap!
You'd probably be amazed by how simple and rudimentary most of my tracks are, lol!
Thanks a bunch for the review!
I'm a lot busier than I used to be these days, but I'm sure we could do a collab soon.
Thanks for reviewing, I have some serious catching up to do now!
I was a bit worried that this one might be just a little too weird, but the response has been great!
I plan on touching it up and refining it a bit later on, but I doubt I will change much!
Another tough sound from you..beautiful and uplifting techno fusions, you really have grabbed a sound of your own, dig the drops into the basement and how the track creeps on you, really feel it crawl up my skin, love your style...had to listen more than once and download, really is feel good music, good for the benevolent.
keep up the great work :)
I have this strange obsession with making music that can somehow be 2 things at once... like hard/soft songs, things like that, lol.
And yeah, originality has always been one of my most important goals; There are thousands of Tiesto wannabe's out there, but only one Koukotsu! (I hope, anyway, lol.) You do quite an excellent job when it comes to delivering new and exciting sounds as well!
Thanks a bunch for reviewing, it makes me feel good to know that my music is feel good music!
Don't stop the coffee!
Whew, I wouldn't last a day without coffee, so no worries there!
Thanks a lot for listening, I will be by to check your tracks out real soon, ok?
But as always, I tend to over-do it and ruin things when I work on them for too long!
Thanks a bunch for the review, I've been slacking of a bit lately but I'll get back on track and give back some reviews very soon!
It has the Koukotsu flavor in it, but it was bathed in darkness of heck.
Cute title, I like it that you said heck instead of the other word.
Can't wait for your next song, which means hurry up lady! I'm waiting!
-Miss Shojo
I'm a bit busier than usual these days, but I should have a new song ready real soon! I have so many just sitting around, half-finished, so maybe it's medley time again! Or I could just stop being so lazy and finish a track!
Thanks a bunch for the review, I'll get busy soon! Have a great evening Miss Shojo!
Thanks for listening and reviewing!
I just needed a bit of a sabbatical to get away from the madness for a while, lol. Hopefully I've grown up some since then!
Where do I get my ideas from? Tons of coffee and tea may be a factor, lol.
And you know I'm coming to hear what you've been up to while I've been away, I'm a big fan of your style and I still have Nocturnal Groove in rotation on my Ipod to this day, lol!
Thanks a bunch Johnny!
Its pretty good! Id say make one part in the middle is hit HARD and then so back soft. IMO:)
...and yeah I can definitely use that bit of advice, I do believe I will go back and rearrange things so that the harder part is more in the middle of the song!
I will definitely come check you out soon, I just have to get this little project wrapped up real quick.
Thanks for the review!