25th Jun 2008 12:21 - 16 years ago
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Description : Here is an old traditional blues song played with my friend Harry and my cousin Peter. To give a more blues feel I lowered the voice. one octave. Sometimes you hear a little robotic sound but well it was a experiment.
Hope you like it.

Comments (4)

If you have time take a listen and give meestege some feedback.

DanielGtrman 11th Jan 2009 20:00 - 16 years ago
This one is Peachy. It's the real McCoy. I'm jamming along to this one and yes..downloaded and fav'd.
Randall822 27th Oct 2008 00:32 - 16 years ago
Hi Gerard,
Hadn't listened to this tune before. The voice experiment came out very well I that deep voice.
The rest of the song was pretty good as well overall I thought.

Would like to get a copy of your CD someday as well.
Thanks for steering me here.
Mokeone 7th Jul 2008 17:39 - 16 years ago
Excellent. Must be my speakers but I thought it sounded great. I'm interested in picking up that album when it's finished. Mokeone
meestege replied Unknown
Thank you Mokeone,
The album will be published in 2010. I will remember that. Other CD's i've played on were a few published in New Zealand, Germany and Belgium. So now I do it in the United States. Great. I see you are almost the same age. Never too old to make music.
Sixfingermusic 26th Jun 2008 01:39 - 16 years ago
Little bit of ZZ Top vocals coming through the lowering of the vocals. The playing is sharp as always and pretty damn authentic. I wonder is there something you can do to the acoustic guitar track to make it a touch more gritty? It sounds very clean and somewhat out of place with the remainder of the track. Please consider that this is a hyper-critical observation as the track sounds wonderful as is. Just thinking about what might give is some more flavor. Peace, Six
meestege replied Unknown
Thanks Six,
You play the role as musician and advisor on Looperman that I like. I upload not only to read the compliments but I want to have comments that improve the song or recording. I focused on the experiment with the voice and not to the other tracks. Eventually the songs I upload to Looperman will be published on a new CD in 2010. So I am very glad with your comment. Exactly translated from Dutch we say in Holland" This man got some damned good ears on his head" Well you have.
Thanks again.

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28th Sep 2024 15:19 - 5 months ago
Description : This is a country swing song written by Angelica Schwanitz. Also included is the brass band from Olaf's Jazz Combo. They're at it again on this new bluesy song, reinforced by:
Vocal: Manuela Boekels
Guitars: Peter Schninkel, Ben Perl
Keys Angelica Schwanitz
Bass: Paul Scherner
Drums: Ulli Stein
the great Pete Townson (Sax Solo)

!!!!!!A preview of the new True Sister album "Sister Act" is online at!!!!!!
6th Jul 2019 16:46 - 5 years ago
Description : One another guy who ordered this track then didn't pay and doesn't respond to my messages.

Boogie crossover (its just a fragment), every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums.

Almost 8 hours of work.
18th Oct 2018 03:02 - 6 years ago
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Description : Of all the classic Monster tales the Wolfman is definitely one of the saddest. Cursed, and destined to live as both man and monster. During the day he sits alone with his guitar, a prisoner of lonely existence, crying his heart out through his music. Then at night, the beast emerges, and in the dark under a full moon, he cry's as he rips the hearts out of his victims! Such is the life of a cursed bluesman!
5th Oct 2014 19:44 - 10 years ago
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Description : This is a tune dedicated to my friend, Nancy, who followed me to the clubs I played at for years, and is still following me with my studio work. Why do I dedicate this to her? Onnacounta cause she's soooooo naughty! She never liked violins, but loved her sax! Here's to you, Nancy. Anyway, this is a little blues track with some nice guitar and sex...oh, sorry, I mean sax.

Enjoy and download away.
14th Oct 2009 22:22 - 15 years ago
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Description : A sultry, seductive, and fairly short acoustic blues number. It is an instrumental and only took about 2 hours to write, record, and get a decent mix. Enjoy! Updated: I added some slight echo to the electric guitar and widened the stereo fields of the acoustic rhythm and leads.
31st Jan 2023 03:36 - 2 years ago
Description : guitar on right run thru my friends mesa rec 25. It has an absolutely gorgeous tone. The guitar playing D, C #, B is run thru guitar rig 6. The the pushed back guitar on the left is also run thru the mesa. My UNC chapel-hill decision letter is coming out tomorrow and I'm super stressed. Whipped out my guitar and recorded some stuff. Hope you like it.

I love Mike Dean
6th Apr 2018 08:39 - 6 years ago
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Description : Miguel Flores, vocals. Jean-Maurice Humbert-Droz, lead guitars. Laurent Schwaar, guitars. Roland Sumi, bass. Richard Pizzorno, Hammond. Laurent Wirz Drums. Loop from josephfunk (rhodes). Composed by Miguel Flores.
6th Oct 2024 17:20 - 5 months ago
Description : It is a bluesy kind of song where I have used a few vocal samples by Akai (in iMPC on ipad). I hope you like it.
27th Jun 2020 19:07 - 4 years ago
Description : BLUES
24th Sep 2015 17:15 - 9 years ago
Description : Fresh out of the studio after 10 weeks of deliberating, planning, writing and performing.
This could be classed as Country Blues or Southern Rock...either way I think it may get your toes tapping. So grab your partner and jump on the dance floor with this one.
I am performing the following instruments...vocals, electric guitars, slide acoustic, bass, harmonica, organ. I wrote the following instrument parts in MIDI....drums, percussion, piano, horns. This was a beast to master but I think it turned out okay.
No loops used.
21st Jan 2014 16:03 - 11 years ago
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Description : Well, I tried it :)
Kisses, buddies
15th Jul 2022 15:52 - 2 years ago
Description : blues track
29th Apr 2011 00:27 - 13 years ago
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Description : UPDATE 26/01/2014: Improved loads of things in what is probably my greatest chillout alternative blues piece. Ambient, ethereal, groove-based delta slide blues. Contemplative and melodic. Multiple, layered , sometimes shimmering resonator guitar parts with solid, warm synth bass, an ethereal bed of pads (which are actually guitars) and second electronic drumkit to contrast the acoustic kits. I thought this was perfect a few years ago but it wasn't (and still isn't). Now has clearer drums and lots of small awkward bits of guitar have been trimmed. Quite a minimalistic and short piece for me - I don't just keep bringing in new instruments, as I usually do. This should really chill you out...
21st Mar 2020 20:39 - 4 years ago
Description : Made On Fl Studio, Hope You guys like it.
12th May 2023 06:24 - 1 year ago
Description : ZOUK TYPE BEAT