Well This is my first song.I used propellerheads reason 4 , sony acid pro 6 and absynth 4. There is something funny about this song.This song is very special to me, because this song is based on a song i hear on a dream. In my dream i was at the mall when then i started to hear some techno song, i really enjoyed that song, i woke up like at 4:00 am and i jumped on my pc to try to make that song i hear in my dream.i tried to make it the much closest as i can to the "dream" song especially at 1:42 because at that part the song is Exactly and i mean Exactly as in the dream, is not the best song on the world i know but i put a lot of effort making this song. i hope you like it
And im not Crazy!!
This techno track was uploaded by AcidParadox. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (18)
If you have time take a listen and give AcidParadox some feedback.
wow, very good for your first track i'd say, well very dipictive of your dreams must of had glow sticks flying and everything man, i would of, great stuff bruh
hi there
That's a great melody you've made there,
and you saw it in your dream as a vision ,
maybe if you go to sleep try to repeat a certain sentence
in your head (its the same as thinking about having to get up for work and the time is already set in your mind)
Lucid dreams are dreams that are so realistic ,you almost have
100% control in your dream like real life .
If you're sensitive to those dreams I'd say start training with repeating one sentence in your head before falling asleep(you should probably try to be sober before sleeping) if this worx then you're 1 step away of getting very rich!...if you beleave this ofcourse . greetz Uflash
This is very well-made and balanced
its pretty special that you could remember the song well enough to make it. you definately have talent and hopefully you dream some more so we can check out the new track! haha
i think even though this is your first its my favorite of yours.. the best structure, best theme through out and i love that synth, reminds me of a 80 rock anthem...
nice 1
This is Great!! Definately one of my favs I would love to hear some more of these songs that come from your dreams because this is really immaculate great job man!!
This is a great track! Very very good balance of everything, very clean and polished. And the tune at 1:42 is sweet.
I think it's brilliant that you've managed to record the song in your dream... I've never managed to do that =( they always poof before I even get my bearings.
Epic! Great song, I like the energy it has. I particularly like that deep kick, nice. You're lucky to be able to transpose your music from dream to reality, when I dream of a good melody or rythm, I can never put back on my computer, maybe because I never wake up when it happens...
Anyway I can tell you put a lot of effort into this track, and for this I salute you. I'm looking forward to hear more music from you.
Cheers S.
I love the tones of the synths on this song. You did a real good job at keeping the levels balanced as well. I am assuming that you have some kind of experience in terms of music or prodution, because this is pretty clean. Good Job. Peace, Six
Description : W.I.P.
Mysterious intro continued by a hypnotic yet very energetic trip through different techno productions. I have at least 2 more techno parts to add and a few more scary booby traps. All together a 3/4 more mins to stack behind it. After that i'll run through the piece again, finalize mixing, master it and upload incl. download. Any feedback is welcome! MMMMMMMH FRESH MEAT!
Description : techno track, haven't made one of my own in a while. Now remastered with more noises. Created in FL Studio, but rendered in audacity (Fl is very bad at making mp3s). Let me know what ya think
Description : This is my epilogue
Modeled this song after Evolution by Hy2rogen
A rework of an old song "After The Fact" which I believe is still on my old profile on here. Enjoy or don't
Thanks for joining me on this wild ass ride. Fuckin crazy it's been 13 years of music. Insane. Thank you to everyone who's ever listened to a song I've uploaded whether on here as zacvoos or ApolloForce, or on my soundclouds as ZachUndefined, RunnerTwoThree, or ApolloForce. Thank you all.
High quality!
is the song from the group
called lagoona?
It sounds similar
Anyways great track
That's a great melody you've made there,
and you saw it in your dream as a vision ,
maybe if you go to sleep try to repeat a certain sentence
in your head (its the same as thinking about having to get up for work and the time is already set in your mind)
Lucid dreams are dreams that are so realistic ,you almost have
100% control in your dream like real life .
If you're sensitive to those dreams I'd say start training with repeating one sentence in your head before falling asleep(you should probably try to be sober before sleeping) if this worx then you're 1 step away of getting very rich!...if you beleave this ofcourse . greetz Uflash
its pretty special that you could remember the song well enough to make it. you definately have talent and hopefully you dream some more so we can check out the new track! haha
nice 1
Gorgeous and comforting.
Quality work.
***the levels here seem to be higher than when you listen @ talentT...just to let you know
This is not crazy dude.
I know Richard D. James wrote all of his first few albums from sleep waking. Probably all drugged out too.. lol.
This is awesome, I always have heavy metal dreams. hehe, and I don't sleep well either!
I was wondering, do you care if I mess around with it??
I really like it, and I have something in my head.
A lot of respect, GREAT JOB! Hi-five.
:P and thanks for the review
you gots the mad skillz!!
I think it's brilliant that you've managed to record the song in your dream... I've never managed to do that =( they always poof before I even get my bearings.
Well done! Love it!
Mos' ReQuest~
Anyway I can tell you put a lot of effort into this track, and for this I salute you. I'm looking forward to hear more music from you.
Cheers S.