Description : ok .... so ..this is a remix of Spivkurl Track "brandy wine"...
I took the stems...added an extra dimension to it with different drums, some strings and a new heavy bass line... I tried keep the original in mind but kinda got carried away... hopefully you can hear it in there..
I made the whole thing in ableton 8 and used Izotope to and a few finishing touches to it... then used audacity to encode it to Mp3
any comments welcome as always.... especially is your name is Spivkurl !! ha ha ha
This electronic track was uploaded by Phyruis. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (8)
If you have time take a listen and give Phyruis some feedback.
love those drums, very cool. it's amazing how many different tracks are coming out of this !
nice break and reintro ! I hear some old 808 State synth goin on - cool, I really like that vocally 'arp screeech dog' thing that pops up at the end of each of those bars
wow nice work on this one, stunning clarity my friend, yep you can still here our good friend Spiv's touch in this one, but can here your own touch on piece as well, very glitch type of piece, could have easily gone into that genre too, nice beat, excellent panning and FX, totally loving this one, something very catchy and appealing about it...Fav'd...Brilliant work...Peace n Respect mate...Estefano...PS happy birthday for the 8th my friend....
There is nothing better when remixing a track of Spivkurl and getting his stamp of approval :) It is easy to see why he was happy with this one. Great glitch elements and as always, your mixes are spot on.
This is a great combination of styles and one of the best remixes I've heard in a while.
This is a great track Phyrius. I'm glad Spiv was the first to review it as well!
For me this is what a remix should be. Taking the original piece and adding your own signature to it (I'm trying with this track and a couple of NIN but I'm too nervous lol). I love the feel and flow of this and the glitch elements gave a feel of early Aphex Twin mixes, which is great!
I really enjoyed it Phyrius (as I do with your work)! Nice job sir. Faved.
This is too cool! I love the glitchy elements you introduced! This mix is very atmospheric! Really good drums you added, and I'm glad you could use that kick roll! The vocal parts are really cool! It's very danceable too! Very well done! Thanks for doing this! Faved for sure!
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Description : Long time lurker first time poster, pretty new to production n stuff, this is my first track in Ableton Live.
was going for a darkwave/synthwave sound, reminiscent of Justice, Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, ect.
Looking for some feed back, constructive criticisms or even just your thoughts if you liked it or not. This is just a rough cut on this current WIP, just the bones of it if you will.. If you have some cool title suggestions, would love to hear those too.
Thanks for listening.
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Description : Got some spare time finally...just started on some random ideas basically (lets say kygo meets alan walker). A blend of dubstep,edm,downbeat,tropical etc.
It's still a work in progress, so i would appreciate your honest inputs. Thanks to all those whose loops I have used in here, sorry I don't have time to search them out.
Edit-added some more filthy sounds from my previous tracks and gave it some ending. Advice will be helpful.
nice break and reintro ! I hear some old 808 State synth goin on - cool, I really like that vocally 'arp screeech dog' thing that pops up at the end of each of those bars
so much fun eh !
Neal Visher
wow nice work on this one, stunning clarity my friend, yep you can still here our good friend Spiv's touch in this one, but can here your own touch on piece as well, very glitch type of piece, could have easily gone into that genre too, nice beat, excellent panning and FX, totally loving this one, something very catchy and appealing about it...Fav'd...Brilliant work...Peace n Respect mate...Estefano...PS happy birthday for the 8th my friend....
first time i had network problem :/
I'm caught with quality of this track. Like your glitchy elements here... well arranged... your talent is enormous my friend. KUDOS
This is a great combination of styles and one of the best remixes I've heard in a while.
Well done PBJ.
For me this is what a remix should be. Taking the original piece and adding your own signature to it (I'm trying with this track and a couple of NIN but I'm too nervous lol). I love the feel and flow of this and the glitch elements gave a feel of early Aphex Twin mixes, which is great!
I really enjoyed it Phyrius (as I do with your work)! Nice job sir. Faved.